Chapter 20

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It was a Wednesday afternoon, when Jungkook was groped for the second time in his life.

After the very eventful Monday morning, the following Tuesday had paled in comparison — since, it had involved the same monotonous routine without anything exciting happening.

Youngjae and the others had kept their promise and had not told anyone about anything — though, Jungkook had found them looking at Taehyung, either oddly or in anger. Jungkook was just glad about the fact that Taehyung had been too dense to notice the looks his friends had given him.

And, even if he were smart enough, there was still no way he could have known since — for some reason that was beyond Jungkook — Taehyung had constantly stolen glances at him all throughout Tuesday. In fact, he had gone as far as staring at him for record time, looking too oblivious of his surroundings as he had bore holes through Jungkook's face and body — whether it had been in a class they had shared, or in the cafeteria, or even in the hallways whenever Jungkook had to pass by him.

No matter where Jungkook had went, it seemed like Taehyung had always been in his vicinity — even when he shouldn't have been there in the first place — and Jungkook couldn't help, but think that Taehyung was following him. Call him paranoid, but he had felt weird vibes coming from Taehyung all the day, and it had only left him feeling uncomfortable and thinking that their 'momentary lapse in decision' would come back to haunt them.

And his thoughts about Taehyung's bizarre behaviour had proven to be right, when he had gone to school on Wednesday.

It was lunchtime and Jungkook had sat at his usual table with his friends, along with Hoseok and Jackson. The group had been bickering, talking about something along the lines of gorilla penises — and Jungkook had known that he didn't want to be a part of that conversation.

Of all the weird conversations he had ever had with his friends, this was the one he had willingly excluded himself from, because he couldn't care less about those apes having a small dick. He had his own problems to deal with.

Jungkook had finished eating earlier than his friends had — courtesy of gorillas — and had decided to head for his next class, even though there were still a few minutes left of break time.

Muttering a few bye's here and there, and waving at them one last time, Jungkook made his way out of the cafeteria, without even sparing a glance at Taehyung's table or anywhere else.

He walked down a flight of stairs, and headed towards his locker to take out some books. Once he had made sure that he had everything required for his lesson, he turned around, and made his way to the designated classroom.

He entered inside, leaving the door open, and headed for his seat in the second row. He put his books down on the desk and proceeded to take off his backpack, but ended up knocking his books over when his bag came in contact with them.

He settled his bag on the desk and looked down at the books, clicking his tongue in annoyance. "Goddamnit." He bent down to pick them up and started gathering them, one on top of the other. And that's when he felt a hand squeezing his buttcheeks, while another firmly caressed the back of his thighs, seemingly feeling him up.

Jungkook turned around with a start, his eyes wide and blood rushing to his head due to the rage he felt, with the stack of books in his hands, ready to verbally assault the pervert who had dared to touch him — only to find a shocked and confused looking Taehyung, with his hands frozen midair and ears turning red as he avoided eye contact with him, looking sheepishly down at the floor.

"What the fuck are you doing, V?!" Jungkook said, as he felt his initial shock being overcome by anger. "I almost punched you all the way to Uranus!"

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