Chapter 8

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If you get the reference to the pic above you're awesome.

"I dare you to buy me a bottle of Sprite from the convenience store on the other side of the campus."

The resistance to Hoseok's supposed genius dare was instant, and it rained on him in the form of cushions and empty cups courtesy of the now displeased crowd for whom he was an easy and visible target, what with standing atop a wholeass table and everything. 

Various noises and curses accompanied the onslaught, and Jungkook had half a mind to move away to a less projectile-prone area.

"Seriously, hyung? That's all you could come up with?" Jimin gaped from his spot next to Yoongi. The latter was not far behind in his criticism. "Just when I was looking forward to something."

"Hobi hyung," Bambam said, his words clearer to Jungkook and Hoseok due to the proximity, "you're really bad at this. Should've just stuck to playing the host."

"You could've asked V to lend me some money if you were only gonna bomb the dare this bad," Mark murmured, reappearing from a corner.

"What?! Why are you guys coming at me?!" Hoseok shrieked, eyes so wide and red they spooked Jungkook for a second. "You know I love Sprite!"

"That's besides the point, hyung. Don't you see?" Bogum, whom Jungkook couldn't see suddenly due to the ruckus, spoke. "You had a golden opportunity to make V do whatever you wanted, and you just wasted it like that."

Bogum sounded upset to Jungkook when he should be happy that his dearest friend was getting away with an extremely stupid dare. Taehyung sure seemed so. It almost made Jungkook wish he'd protested against the other's condition of his mandatory non-participation in dare selection for him.

"So it was okay when Yoongi hyung did it? Wow, you guys are something else!" 

Now everyone was just arguing, trying to speak over everybody else, and Jungkook was baffled at how much seriousness the situation was being approached with.

"Hold up, guys." Jimin's shout surmounted everyone else's. "How about we change the dare? Let's think of something else."

Jimin was nodding whilst making eye contact with the majority of the crowd, and Jungkook knew it wouldn't take long for everyone to agree.

Except for one person.

"No, you can't change the dare now. That's cheating." 

Jungkook looked on as Taehyung started to plead his case, the shine of such a simple dare blinding him. Since the event did not concern him at all, Jungkook remained wholly passive and indulged in the chaos instead.

"You do the first dare given to you, so I'll be doing this dare only," Taehyung said, emphasising to get his point across better.

"What? No! It's a stupid dare, and you know it, Tae." Jimin was halfway hanging off his seat with an indignant look on his face. "That's why you want to do it: 'cause it's easy. Come on! Be a little daring."

"No, I'll pass. The dare can't be changed." Getting up in one fluid motion, Taehyung looked down at everyone with a smirk blooming on his face. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I think I have somewhere to go."

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