Chapter 29

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A really long chapter because I haven't updated in a month.
Also, I was high when I wrote this. So pls ignore any thing you might not like. Thank u

Jungkook was shambling through the sparsely populated hallways, returning from the dance studio with an equally exhausted Youngjae by his side along with Sehun—who looked like he hadn't broken a sweat even after the tens of reruns of the intense choreography they had to do. What could Jungkook say; the man was a beast.

It was during those carefree, and unsuspecting moments when Jungkook's group of three had been approached by Coach Choi while they had been passing by the gymnasium doors. They had greeted the coach, acknowledging his presence with reverent gazes as one question had ran through all their minds: why had the coach come to them?

They had gotten an answer to their query very soon, since Mr. Choi wasn't the kind of person to beat around the bush when it came to the things he wanted. But, when the boys heard the words their teacher uttered, their jaws dropped.

Jungkook, in particular, was thoroughly stunned to his very core.

Coach Choi had asked Jungkook—he had been looking only at the brunet the whole time—to sit through their football team's entire practice match which was to start in a few minutes. Jungkook had only gaped at him, and he hadn't even gotten a chance to mutter a no, because the coach had already disappeared through the entrance doors as if expecting Jungkook to automatically follow.

He had stood there for a whole solid minute, and, knowing that he couldn't say no to Mr. Choi because he wouldn't listen, he had given the duo by his side pleading glances accompanied by the dearest pout, and that's how he found himself sat on the bleachers surrounding their school's massive, open field with Youngjae placed between him and Sehun.

Jungkook's leg bounced against the metal seats that his hands were clutching onto too tightly as his foot tapped feverishly against the unrelenting concrete. The sun was slowly setting over the horizon, the skies turning into elysian meshes of azure and magenta.

Albeit, Jungkook was usually the kind to stop and stare at such breathtaking views, just breathing in the entire thing as if wanting to engrave each and every exotic scatter of white light in his memory, this specific time he felt as if his own day's vibrant light was dimming as the sun sank further and further.

Jungkook should've felt peace and calm infuse every pore in his body like it usually did, and he should've enjoyed this sight—which he could only catch when he was much younger and wasn't troubled with a busy life—more. But, instead, the picturesque sighting did nothing of that sort. It didn't even manage to hold his attention for long as glittering silver reflecting off of bundled strips floating in the air called for his awareness; not only to them, but also to their owners. 

Off to the side, his doe eyes caught sight of the most popular girls in school—also known as the cheerleading squad, sans Piper—clad in skirts that were exposing to the point of being vulgar, and tops so tight that had Jungkook questioning the possibility of humans being able to even move their chests in such a tiny confinement.

Jungkook wouldn't be lying if he were to say that he wanted to leave right this instant; he was quite sure that that is what his friends—who had been caught up in this unwillingly just because of him—wanted, too. There were actually many factors behind that notion, aside from the obvious one, of course.

It wasn't just his absolute loathe for his school's football varsity—there was that, but it was currently being overshadowed by some other reasons. For starters, the cheerleaders.

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