Chapter 1. The time is nigh

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The cold wind whipped through my black hair that looked brown as the sun came out to bless us with its warmth in these forbidding mountains. As I passed the camp, several males stared at me, a challenge etched on their faces. I suppose I did possess some of the feminine features these Illyrian males scrutinized us females for. But more than that, I was the daughter of the camp lord Bron. And since I was 16 and had my first bleeding mere days ago, they deemed it appropriate enough to shove their proposals down mine and my family's throat. I was expected to marry one of these assholes- who did not have one ounce of respect for females. My wings were, thankfully, not yet clipped, the façade of being an obedient female always plastered to my face. My bleeding had come late due to the tea I always drank, twice a day. I knew my father was going to accept a proposal by this week- and my wings would be clipped the same day. I had to get out. I had to run.

I trudged my way to a shack which was my supposed home with freshly-washed laundry. But isn't home some place you feel belonged? At ease? This camp has always been the opposite of that. Let other people think I have accepted this life, let it make it easier for me to run away. Catching sight of Eliya, I dipped my chin just a little. Night would soon come. And when night came and everyone was asleep, that's when we would rise and meet, that is when the females of this camp would show their true colors.

My name is Vita, and I am the leader of the Epizontes, (the survivors). That's who us females in this camp are, survivors of the males- who beat us, shout at us, make us grovel beneath their feet. I banded this group when I saw how my sister had cried when she was given away- a barter for reputation and money that would benefit only my father. I was 15 then (in human years) and I vowed on the night goddess to not sit silently and watch this happen for the rest of my life.

Three knocks and an ever-changing password had me inside the small hidden cave near the edge of our camp. Who ever said females can't be sneaky and smart?

Ress is an asshole," I whispered into the wind and found the door opening. "That he is." "Hear! Hear!" "Truer words have never been spoken." I smile, these comments are what makes my survive through the day.

"Hello friends," I replied with genuine warmth. The next few hours went in us practicing some moves that we observed the males do in the practice ring that day, shared important pieces of information and supported each other through various problems. This was our usual routine which kept us afloat in this hell. Although today everyone was subdued, the reason- obvious.

"You know I have to leave tomorrow as I cannot risk staying here for long not when my father is going to make his choice of suitor any day now. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the love and support you amazing group of females have given me. I hope and I know that you all shall continue fighting and surviving, and strive to take what is yours. I have immense faith in all of you. I love you all and remember, you bow to no one," I spoke till wetness formed at my eyes and their faces became a blur. One by one they all embraced me and reciprocated my affection. We all left after that, not daring to stay out longer than 2 hours. By the time I reached my tent, the sun was only 3 hours away from making its appearance.

The next day passed as the previous one. The same monotonous remarks, sneers from males and chores. The night came and I sneaked out. I dared not take anything with me beside what I could it into my hands or the pockets of my clothes. As I looked behind, I realized just how much I shall miss those females, but I had to go, I needed to. With a last sigh I stepped forwards to what I truly hoped was a bird unlocked from the caged door. 

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