Chapter 25. Cat out of the bag

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(Skies POV)

Yesterday's date was a success. I had yet to tell Vita that she was my mate. How should I tell her though? How will she react? She may reject the bond.. or maybe she won't. Nyx told me to tell her.. he was right, I have to sooner or later. And she should find about this from me, not from some friend. I am her mate- something so important, Cauldron matched, she deserves to know.

I bought her a flower. She didn't like bouquets, so a single flower it was. A tulip, orangish-yellow one. Her favorite. I rehearsed how I would tell her while I made my way towards the townhouse where she was staying. On my way, Nyx found me, along with Mira. Busybodies.

"How was the date? Vita came home all happy and wouldn't tell me a thing... said she was sleepy," Mira said.

"What's with the flower?" Nyx asked.

"For Vita," I said. "And as for your question Mira, the date was perfect," I puffed my chest a bit. 

"I will be the judge of that," Mira hummed and went ahead of us, practically running to the townhouse while Nyx gave me a side hug as we walked.

"Did you tell her?" he asked. "No, but I am planning to her now," I replied. "Good luck brother."

(Vivi's POV)

"Details. I want details," I said for the fifth time as we waited for Mira. What was taking her so long. "You know, I remember my first outing with Elide. It was a secret outing though, nevertheless, it was one of the best nights of my life," I reminisced.

"I know, we will get her here soon Viv," Vita said. Oh great! I had sidetracked the conversation unintentionally. "I ask the High Lady every day, if we can somehow help the girls at the camp," she said.

"That is not what I-" I sighed. "Never mind that right now, I know we will get them back Vee, but right now you have to-" I was cut off by another excited voice. "Tell us what happened... in detail," Mira said. Vita chuckled. "Also, Nyx and Skies are on their way here," she hummed, making Vita stand straighter, the blush on her cheeks evident.

"My room," Vita said, practically dragging us there.

"That is so sweet!!!" Mira exclaimed for the billionth time after Vita finished telling us about the previous night. I was so happy for her, she deserved so much happiness. Skies had come knocking some time before but Mira and I had denied him entry. Vita was with us for the morning.

"I am so happy for you and Skies," I said while hugging her.

"Group hug yay!" Mira almost choked us with her hugs, making all of us laugh.

"Ok, now you are allowed to go," I said.

"oh yes! Pretty sure Skies is going mad waiting for you," Mira winked.

"Grow up you two!" Vita reprimanded us but her eyes twinkled with amusement. "No listening," she said and left.

"Ten gold marks they kiss," I said.

"Eleven there is a full-on make out session," she said smirking. I laughed... I am so winning eleven gold marks. Thanks Vita and Skies for that.

(Vita's POV)

I went down and found Skies sitting on the couch in the living room. I stood there for a moment and simply looked at him. I had opened up to him last night, a grand step for me. With his and my friends' help, I was healing. I will never stop being grateful for them.... Even if they could be annoying from time to time. As if sensing my arrival, Skies looked up. As soon as our eyes met, he gave me a broad smile that had me in a mess again. Those damn eyes. That damn smile.

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