Chapter 20. StarFall

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"Ready?" "Ready."

Saying I was excited would be an understatement. "Viv, come here, I need to put some finishing touches and then we are ready to go," Mira sighed and plopped down on the bed while I did Viv's make-up. "Now we are ready, let's go."

The event took place in the House of Wind. "Wow," I sighed when we entered. The place was enchanting. The pillars seemed to be draped with decorations, delicious smell of food came from one side and the center was dedicated as the dancing area. The colors, the lights, the occasion... I was left speechless. I didn't want to move in case this whole thing turned out to be dream.

"Wow," a familiar voice said from behind. "You look- you look gorgeous," his eyes were wide as he took me in.

"Thank you, you don't look bad yourself," I said blushing slightly. He looked so handsome. Males in black suits automatically looked ten times hotter but he was competing on another level.

"Dance with me?" He asked, offering his hand. I gladly accepted.

We didn't bother talking. No, we found solace in one another as we swayed to the sweet notes. After what seemed like a lifetime of happiness, we were interrupted by Mira- much to my annoyance.

"May I borrow her for a minute?" she asked Skies who grumbled and went muttering he was going to find Nyx.

"What is it?" I asked her. Now that I noticed, she seemed frantic and a bit... crazy.

"Marcus... asked.... Official!!"

"Mira, please speak comprehendible sentences," I sighed.

"Where is Viv? I will tell you both together," I nodded. I was very intrigued now.

"There," I pointed, she was busy talking with Nico and Marcus. Marcus looked at us, raising his eyebrows; specifically at Mira who was now blushing furiously.

"I'll get her," Mira threw me a grateful smile.

"Now, will you tell us what it is?" I asked her as we three sat with a drink, each one of the secluded couches.

"Promise you won't tell anyone. And I know that Skies knows about our dalliance but you can't tell him about this," she said. Viv and I agreed. "Ok so," she took a deep breathe, "Marcus asked if I would like us to be official!" She squealed as I gaped at her.

"Hello?" Mira looked between me and Viv.

"OH MY GOD THAT IS AMAZING!!" I suddenly shouted coming out of my stupor and hugged Mira. I was truly happy for her. Viv chuckled knowing that this was how I reacted to most good news.

"Why are we screaming?" Nyx asked from behind while Skies had an amused glint in his eyes.

"No reason." "Nothing." "Nothing important." We three chorused and quickly made our way to one of the balconies.

"Soooo... are you going to say yes?" I asked.

"Maybe... yes," Mira answered.

"This calls for a drink," Viv said with a broad smile on her face and we agreed.

Mira and Viv were somehow still able to talk and comprehend after having five drinks! I was jealous, I usually became drunk after three.

I had only one drink before we were interrupted by the boys. Standing close to Skies gave me electric shocks that I was trying to ignore whilst listening to the group's conversation.

"What say we get out of here?" Skies whispered and I felt a shiver go down my spine.

"Sure," I said, my voice thankfully steady.

(Skies POV)

"So... how is your first Starfall with us going so far?" I asked. She looked- I had no words. My mate- the word sent a pang through my heart, not because I was disappointed or anything but because she was my mate. I couldn't believe my luck.

"Starfall in Velaris is... ethereal. Plus, spending it with you and the others makes it infinitely better," she gushed.

"Good," my throat seemed suddenly parched. I looked at her and her breathe hitched. Maybe it was the festivities, or the drink I had or the fact that she stood there looking so damn beautiful that I went ahead and cupped her face in a sudden act of brashness and boldness.

Her pupils dilated and her eyes widened. "What-"

"Can I kiss you?" I asked. When she did not answer while still not breaking the eye contact my brain started working again and scolded me for being an idiot. But before I could start apologizing, her lips crashed onto mine.

It was everything. It felt like the whole world came to a standstill just to watch us. Her kiss was so soft and tentative, her delicate yet strong arms hung around my neck. Wherever we kissed sparks flew and I felt like a kid all over again with my first crush.

A vase crashed somewhere behind me but I didn't care but unfortunately Vita did. She broke our kiss and her eyes widened just a bit.

"What?" I asked turning around, my hands still at her waist.

"I am- wait- when? How?" Nico sputtered.

"Not now you daft idiot," Nyx said who was also standing there; smirking. He took still wide-eyed Nico by his hand and left laughing.

"I um... I- we-" Vita stumbled, searching for appropriate words. I decided to spare her.

"We kissed," I said with near reverence. She looked up at me and smiled.

"Does that mean that um.. what does this mean for ... us?" Us. My heart skipped a beat.

"Well, it means that I would like to take you out sometime, maybe...on a date. Unless you don't want-"

"No! I mean sure let's go sometime," she said while still smiling.

"Vee? You will not believe-" we were interrupted by Mira. She looked at us two and squealed.

"I got a date!" Vita said in equally enthusiastic tone making me amused. She looked so cute. And then they went ahead talking about god knows what leaving me alone to absorb that I had just kissed Vita. But before Vita left she winked once, her smirk telling me she knew exactly what she was doing to me. I sighed and looked up.... the stars looked exceptional tonight.


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