Chapter 12. Drunk

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That was fun. Hanging out with the kids from the Inner Circle was fun, diverting me from my problems. But, as soon as they left, the smile on my lips vanished. I suddenly felt so exhausted, I just wanted to be numb for some time- forget about the worries that came with news from my camp.

I walked towards one of the bars that we had crossed today. Today's tips were enough to buy myself few drinks. I had never tasted any drink before today. The wine had tasted delicious, but right now I needed something... stronger.

"Hello dear, you new here?" the bartender asked.

"Yes! Could I have whiskey please?" I replied. Catherine is dead, she is dead and it is my fault. I wasn't there to protect her. Maybe if I had been there..... maybe....

"Sure! Coming up." He replied.

Soon enough I had drunk two glasses of it and the numbness was finally setting in. I know it was irresponsible of me to drink so much alone and that too for first time. But, I couldn't deny the fact that it helped. Its sour taste, burning in my throat made everything else go away.

I looked around and saw a cute male looking towards me. He smiled and raised his glass when we made eye contact. He looked cute, not as cute as the Inner Circle because let's face it; they are -wow. I raised my glass in greeting.

The music seemed nice- so calming. Soon enough, to my surprise, I was one of the people on the floor, just swaying to the music. The beats seemed to mend my soul and give me temporary reprieve.

I looked for the cute male but my eyes landed on Skies and I forgot all about my previous trail of thoughts. Today, while I was in the library, I found out that his name means shadows. It suits him- like his shadows that always comforted me, his presence is like a steady force in a world full of sea-storms and tornadoes.

(Skies POV)

How did I know I would find her here? I did not. I just followed my feeling that had grown stronger by the minute, pushing me to go see if she was alright. She wasn't. She was drunk and was dancing with at least two males admiring her. I forced my anger in check- not against her, never against her, but against those males. She was dancing quite spectacularly. I wonder if she ever had the freedom to enjoy music before like she seemed to right now.

"Hello Vita," her name a melody to my ears.

"Hello... Skies? Nice to run into you here!" she replied. Her voice seemed a bit slur. "Do you dance?" she asked me and I simply nodded, my shadows darting out to play with her.

She then proceeded to take my hand and I started swaying along with her. Wherever we touched, I swear sparks flew. Like fireworks.

"Why is your name Skies? Like I know it means shadows and that it suits you but.... Skies? I can't even give you a nickname," she rambled on. "Skies," she huffed once again, making me laugh.

"Well, your name doesn't give me any nickname ideas either," I countered. Honestly, I now wanted her to give me a nickname. She ignored my jab.

"I am going to call you.... ugh, I don't know. Wait a minute! I will give you a brand-new name! How does that sound?" she asked.

Before I could answer, she swayed a bit more that you are supposed to during a dance and then stumbled.

"Hey, how much did you drink?" I was worried, she didn't seem like a person who would drink so much without specific reasons- like she wanted to forget something for a while.

"Just a bit," Not an answer.

And then before I could say something, she fainted. Ah well, time to take her back. 

Something had happened during that meeting and I am determined to find out. 

Anyone else feels like putting on a dress, going to a ball and just dancing your soul out?? 

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