Chapter 13. Another blow to the heart

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Ouch. My head pained like hell. Hungover mornings suck. I'm never drinking again.... mostly. Oh god... training with Cassian. I was in no shape or form to train today but I forced myself to get up and go out to train. Silent claps for my will-power, thank you very much.

I had gotten better. I was proud of the fact that I could defend myself pretty well now. With the secret training that I did with the girls and Cassian's help and attention to stamina-building and technique, I was good.

Today, we started on offense techniques. I had managed to land a few punches on Mira's face. Well, she did a number on me too... ok a lot more. Fighting felt good, helped by distracting me and kept myself from feeling powerless.

After what I assume was an hour or so, Nyx greeted us with a grim expression on his face.

"What? What is it?" I asked him, instantly worried. Let my friends at the camp be ok, please Mother.

"Something happened... well I was helping Uncle Az with inspection of the camps and..."

"Say it Nyx! Don't keep me wondering." I was getting anxious.

"Well... you should probably come with me," he sighed.

Soon, I was standing in the exact place I was when I got to know about Catherine. Although, this time Nico and Nyx were also there, along with Mira and Skies.

"Well..... what is it?" I asked Rhysand when no one spoke and the uncomfortable silence got too tense for me to handle.

"It's... something happened at your camp. Skies and Nyx were on rounds with Az when they heard of it. We assumed you would like to know as you said you were close to many females at the camp.."

"Well... spill it!" I mean it can't be as bad as Catherine. But, I swear on the Cauldron, if any of them were in any danger, I would kill the person responsible.

"Do you know someone named Viviana?" Shit! What happened to Vivi?

"Yes," I breathed. My heartbeat was very high.

"Well... Bron found her sneaking out last night with some swords and sticks the young males use for training and decided it was time for her to be clipped."

Oh hell no. Vivi loved her wings more than me, they were her lifeline when everything got too much to handle.

I must have said that out loud as Nyx spoke up and said, "We will help her out in any way we can."

"I am coming with you then. She won't trust you; she knows me, she will let me help her," I said.

"It will be dangerous," Skies spoke up.

"I know that, I'm not an idiot!" I exclaimed glaring at him, overreacting a bit but I couldn't help it. First Catherine and now Vivi. Seriously, I never should have left camp. No, I couldn't think like that, not now at least. By the looks on others faces.... They knew. And that irritated me further.

"Sorry," Skies scratched his hair, looking slightly intimated. Huh, I didn't know I could be intimidating to someone as powerful as him. Felt good.

I looked at the High Lord and the High Lady expectantly. They agreed after talking through the bond (I guess as their eyes glazed) and I let out a sigh I didn't even know I was holding.

I would go and save her. I would not let her face the same fate as Catherine. I would save her..... I had too. My heart seemed to want to burst into tears but I reined it in, not now.

And so, the next half an hour went into discussing the plan to save Vivi.

Azriel would go first and find out where they were keeping her. Then me, with Marcus' protection would go and free her in the dead of the night while Azriel would look into other matters on my behest.

My other new-found friends had wanted to come but politically it would have been a foolish decision. Though they had put up a fight, they eventually gave in. I was glad to have had the chance to meet these beautiful souls.

I waited impatiently while Az went and checked. Skies was near me, holding my hand, giving me comfort I was too proud to ask for.

"She is in one of the cottages at the end of the camp. I wasn't able to check her condition but the clipping takes place tomorrow," anger was what I could see in the Shadowsinger' face as Gwyn went and placed her hand in his, calming him a bit.

"When do we leave?" I asked.

"In a few hours. Get ready," Azriel answered and I nodded.

I went back into my room, ignoring all the stares I received. After a while someone knocked on the door and the someone turned out to be Skies.

"How are you feeling?" he asked, looking concerned.

"Fine, I will be at least after we rescue her," I said, my voice wavering a bit.

He looked at me with such emotion that I hugged him without thinking twice. After a second, he hugged me back.

"Vita, you will get her back. I know I haven't known you for long but I know how strong, brave and smart you are. That under all that indifferent attitude of yours that you keep, lies one of the sweetest persons who would do anything for her loved ones. You will save her, I know it," he said.

"Thank you," I whispered, my face resting on his chest. He was so kind and sweet I was lucky to have met him. He gulped and simply tightened his hold.

We stayed like this for a few moments before I retracted myself.

"I should probably get ready," I said.

"Yes sure, I'll um.. leave," he nodded.

I got ready and went down. With an unexpected hug from Nico and Mira, I winnowed with Marcus and Azriel. He dropped us near the camp's edge and went back into his world of shadows.

With a sigh, I made my way back to the camp that I had once ran from. 

Longest chapter I've written so far!

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