Chapter 9. Rita's

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The first day at my new job (!!) went quickly. The sweet smell of the books, calm, soothing vibes helping me gain back some energy. 

Losing people was not a foreign term for us Illyrians. We lost them at war, at times during the Blood Rite or when mothers birthed or due to their... familial situation. I lost my mother when I was ten (in human years). My father told everyone it was due to some sickness that befell her but, I remembered the bruises on her neck and the vial she had taken from one of the other females- containing something green. I felt her loss but as time went by, I understood her need to leave. Catherine was a new scar for me- my best friend, I was supposed to be there for her, help her but I had failed- letting her get taken by some random wild beast.

"Here is your order, enjoy the read," I told to the customer, handing him his biographical book. 

The bell rang as the door opened, distracting my thoughts. And standing there was a grinning Nico and Mira. "What are you guys doing here?" I asked.

"Well, we planned to go to Rita's today, come with us, will help loosen you up a bit," Mira said. 

After giving it a second's thought, "Alright!"

Rita's was beautiful. The furniture was so comfy and welcoming and the food was the best thing I had ever tasted. The woman herself was very sweet. Once we reached our table, we were joined with Nyx, Skies and Marcus. They all gushed about their days and how Mira had successfully pranked Skies that day. 

".... You are going to pay back for that Mira," Skies warned. His shadows swirling around him. 

"What did you do?" I wondered out loud. Mira just chuckled while Skies grumbled. 

Marcus (blonde haired pretty fellow with a broad posture) said with a smirk, "She set a swarm of bees at him, Skies hates bees, after dumping a bucket full of honey on him. You should have seen him running in circles on the field, scared to death."

Even imagining it made me choke on my drink as I tried to stop the laughter bubbling inside of me. Skies glared at me. "It is not funny! They could have been the death of me!" he exclaimed. 

I couldn't stop the laughter that escaped my lips then. Skies just looked at me as if he had been struck by lightning or something. 

"Sorry," I told him and looked down after a brief moment of eye contact. He just shook his head as if to say it's cool and excused himself. Weird.

The drinks followed soon- Skies nowhere to be seen. 

"Something must've come up," Mira told me when I asked her if Skies was fine after he had gone out.

My fellow members drank as if there was no tomorrow and as the night passed, they took their leave one by one. I had only dared to drink one glass of red wine. The taste still fresh on my tongue. Mira went off with Marcus, earning a smirk from me- I wasn't oblivious to their flirtations. Nyx mind-talked with someone (his eyes glazed) and told me he and Nico were needed urgently and left me after I assured them both I would be fine.

Sighing, I observed my surroundings. One male was eyeing me and when we made eye contact; winked. Cute but not my type plus, I wasn't interested. I got up and went outside, the breeze hitting my face. I walked around Velaris.

A tune reached my ears. Never had I ever heard a melody so beautiful that it stopped me in my tracks and touched my soul. The source turned out to be a few musicians near the Sidra. I spent the rest of the night just standing there and listening. Letting the music do their work, healing me when nothing else could. As the sun dared come up, I gave them all the money that I had earned as tips that day and a soft smile, thanking them. 

Then I trudged back to the townhouse for another day of training and working. 

Ahahaahaha ... 100+ views!!! You have no idea how much that means to me....  thanks a load guys!!

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