Chapter 4. A new plan

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I woke up to two blue eyes observing me intently. I seemed to be lying on a bed- a very comfortable bed I might add, the warmth of the surrounding welcomed. 

Skies, that was this male's name who those blue eyes belonged too. Now that I was in no immediate danger, I could really appreciate his beauty- like really appreciate. His face was angelic, the shadows around him dancing and it didn't hurt that he had saved me.

"Good to see you are awake, how do you feel? You were out for a whole 36 hours." He disrupted my trail of thoughts.

"Fine, thank you for saving me, I owe you and the other red-siphoned male one," I rasped.

"Care to tell us your story?" 

"Us?" It was then I realized that the room had been filled with 3 more people. I instantly recognized my High Lord and High Lady and bowed as dignifiedly I could. The red-siphoned guy was leaning against the doorway and one of the most beautiful females I have ever seen smiled kindly at me.

"Yes, hello, I am Gwyneth Berdara, and you are?" My breath hitched as I surveyed her once again. She was the Gwyneth, the Valkyrie.

"Hi," I may have squeaked, "I am Vita."

"Vita? Isn't your name Sellene?" Skies questioned. I just shrugged.

"That is the name I gave when I thought you were like the other Illyrian bastards. I couldn't very well tell you my actual name then, could I?"

"I suppose not," Skies said as his lip twitched upward- just a bit. "So please, share your story with us. We promise not to bite," he said and pointed to his left shoulder as for proof.

"Well, I am from camp that is run by Lord Bron, it is not a big camp but bad enough for us females in every way possible. I ran for my wings and as I didn't want to marry as of yet. And the treatment provided to us females over there is enough to boil my blood. So, I ran for my right, my freedom. I was headed to make a flee and go to another court but you found me first," I said, bobbing my head towards the two Illyrians. 

They seemed to understand me and I released a sigh I didn't even know I had been holding.

"Where am I?" 

"Velaris, the City of Starlight." My nameless savior answered.

I got up and moved to the window. As I observed the happiness and the beauty of the place I was awestruck. The emotion must have been showcased on my face as the High Lady told me I could stay in Velaris if I wanted.

"I cannot hound on your generosity, High Lady."

"Please, call me Feyre and it would be our pleasure to have you be here with us." The others nodded in agreement.

I thought for a moment. I could run away even now, but for some reason I wanted to stay and enjoy this city where my saviors had got me. But, I could not stay for free without feeling guilty unless.... 

"What if I stay here and earn my keep? Will that be alright?" I asked tentatively. 

Feyre's smiles was the most welcoming thing I had ever seen and I couldn't help the quite joy that found its place on my face. 

 They all shuffled out for lunch thereafter, giving me time and space to contemplate my future that now lay glittering in front of me.

I had successfully escaped. I found a beautiful city. I could work hard, earn my keep and then find a way to help my fellow sisters back at camp. 

I allowed myself I rare smile filled with hope as I stared at the horizon.

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