Chapter 16. Aftershocks

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(Skies POV)

Half an hour. Half an hour had passed and there was still no sign of them. I was standing outside in the garden where they were supposed to winnow back. Nyx was waiting with me. Mira had gone to make herself busy as she couldn't stand here doing nothing. I was growing impatient and the feeling that something bad had happened to Vita just kept increasing.

"They will be here soon, stop worrying so much. Vita will be, no, has to be fine-" Nyx seemed to be assuring himself more than me, although I could use that reassurance more than him. If anything happened to Vita, to my mate, I don't know what I would do. 

When I was going to suggest that I go to the camps to check out the situation- though I knew dad was with them- they appeared and the sight made my heart come to my throat. I was frozen and in shock.

Vita's wings, her beautiful wings were torn and bleeding. I can't even start to imagine the amount of pain she must've felt.

"What on Cauldron happened," Nyx asked, rushing towards them. I unfroze and rushed towards Vita. I picked her unconscious body and made my way to my room; I didn't know if she would want anyone to see her room.

"Stay," she whimpered as I put her down and made my way outside. She sounded so fragile, my heart clenched. 

"SShhh, it's alright, I am not going anywhere," I entwined our hands together and her breathing evened-out once again. Seeing her like this, in so much pain made my heart shatter into million pieces. But I was with her, I would protect her; not that she needed it. She is so resilient, my mate. 

I was stroking her head, trying to keep the tears from bursting. My mate, my mate had her wings torn. She let out a moan and my breath hitched.

The door opened and a soft unknown voice spoke, "Is she sleeping?"

I nodded. "You must be Viviana."

"Yes. Oh Vee," she sighed and sat beside Vita on my opposite side.

"They said a healer is on her way to check up on her... thank god she is asleep. The pain.." she shuddered. She looked so pale and thin but still seemed to hold herself highly- not ashamed of the scars marring her hands and feet.

Vita stirred. "Viv?" she rasped.

"Hey, I am right here honey, get some sleep ok?"

"Are you alright?" Vita asked earning a small chuckle form Viviana.

"You almost get yourself killed you dumbass and-" She sighed, "Yes. I am fine. Now please rest, the healer will be here any minute." I agreed with Viviana... obviously. Vita nodded and closed her eyes once again. I hoped she found some rest in oblivion.

"What happened out there?" I asked Viviana while still looking at Vita.

"Skies, come with me," Nyx' voice came from behind. "Madja is here, she says only one person is allowed in the room... I will fill you in about tonight's... events."

I nodded and went with him, looking back at Vita one last time who was now in the comfort of her friend.

"What happened," I repeated as we made our way to the library.

"The plan got messed up," Marcus answered. And just like that I was filled fury.

"You were supposed to look after her," I snarled. And before I could give Marcus a well-deserved punch, I was held back by my father.

"Sit." He ordered and when I did so Marcus replayed tonight's events.

"Where were you when all this happened?" I asked dad.

He sighed and ran his hands through his already rumpled hair. I knew guilt was eating him up but I wanted to know. "I was looking for the beast that killed Catherine," at my confused look he continued and told me about Catherine. Oh Vita. So that is why Vita had seemed down these past few days. I wished she had come to me for support.

"Will she recover?"

"Hopefully," the High Lady answered as Nyx gave me a squeeze on the shoulder as a tear ran down my cheeks.

I looked around to see that Mira was also crying on Marcus' shoulder while Nico looked pale.

Madja came down and looked at all of us.

"Well?" Mira asked expectantly, Madja' expressionless face revealing nothing. 

250+ reads!!!! Omg thanks guys! 

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