Chapter 27. Getting ready

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I have one week and I will not waste it. As I cuddled with Skies and saw the sun come up, I formulated my plan, a plan hopefully Bron would fall for. It was a simple plan, and if I played it right, Bron's ego would fall for it.

"What are you thinking?" Skies asked as he nuzzled his head on the crook of my neck. His touch felt so good. This was another thing I was afraid of- losing Skies, losing my newfound friends.

"I am thinking... it is time to train. I will meet you at the House of Wind, I need to talk to Viv." I would ask Viv about the plan first, what she thought of it and then ask Nesta to train me in some Valkyrie techniques in hope that it might surprise the Illyrians.

"Ok," Skies said softly, understanding present in his eyes. I kissed him not wanting to let go just yet. After a minute or so, with my lips swollen I left. I went to her bedroom to find that she was already awake.. I doubt she slept at all last night.

"I didn't, I am worried for you Vee," she said, reading my mind, that or I might have said that out loud.

"I have a plan and if all goes well, it will be a win-win," I said and Viv perked up, motioning me to sit down.

"Tell me," she said and so I did. She listened carefully and every now and then questioned me with potential fallouts for which I quickly retorted with another improvisation or a back-up.

"I think... it might work, emphasis on might," she finally said. I knew she wasn't keen on the plan, at least she had faith in me that I might succeed though.

"I will ask Nesta and the High Lord and Lady today itself," I said, hopefully they would agree.

Skies? I am with Viv right now... I want to tell her. I asked through the bond. After a second or two his reply came.

Ok, do you want me there?

That thought did occur to me, yes.

A minute later a knock sounded outside and he entered the room and putt his arms around me. I leaned in the warmth. "Hello Viv, how are you?" he asked her, his voice lacing concern. His concern for her made my heart melt. My mate and my best friend.

"Relatively fine," she answered, looking between us. I could already tell she had deciphered half of whatever she was looking for. I hugged her and at her raised brows I sighed.

"Viv... we have something to tell you.." I started. She nodded and motioned us to continue.

"We are mates," Skies said with barely contained glee, coming directly to the point. Viv looked at us for one whole minute before she turned to me. "No way in hell I am letting you go now," she seemed adamant.

"I am doing it with or without your help," I said. I felt Skies confusion and a bit of panic. Later, I said and he nodded though I could tell he was still a bit worried.

"Let me start again," Viv said and then proceeded to hug us both in a bone-crushing manner. "I am so happy for both of you, one crazy and one not so crazy... perfect," she broke the hug and then pointing at me, continued, "and now you crazy one, are going to tell your mate your plan and as I know that this time your will of steel will win, I am going to help you.... Now off you go, I need to plan a party for my best friend and her mate."

We went outside. I was practically skipping at the fact that Viv took the news so positively.

"What did she mean Vita," he asked me as soon as we sat down. I sighed, Viv may be happy for me and support me but she would make sure I did the right thing for me and my relations even if I didn't look forward to it. (Also, the way Skies said my name sent shivers down my body). So, I told him.

"That seems like a plan that I hate," he admitted after I finished. He had growled in anger and frustration a few times while I had told him my idea and about Bron's 'wishes'. His knuckles were almost white.

"Hey," I said looking at him. I knew it killed him to let me go but I also knew he would respect my wishes. "Come here," I told him and he obliged. "We will be fine," I said as I proceeded to stroke his hair and kiss him.

"I hope so or he is going to be in a whole lot of pain," Skies said and I held him just a bit tighter. We stayed like this for some time till it was time to go to the House of Wind to train.


"We can find another way Vita," Rhysand said when I told him what I had thought of. Viv had glared at me with a I told you so glare as I like to call it. I shrugged her off, I was adamant.

"We could but.... This is my fight, if I don't do this, he will never really leave me alone," I replied. "You just have to train me in the Valkyrie method, a few tricks and moves... after that, when I go back to the camp, I will make the deal. He will listen, when he sees your wrath, he will listen," I said, I don't know who I was convincing, me or them.

"Are you sure about this?" Nesta asked me after I told my intentions to the Inner Circle. They, of course, were sad and worried but they relented. They knew I was determined.

"One week from today, you can train me," I told Nesta. She nodded and then we went out to practice. I gave Skies a quick kiss... he looked like an annoyed puppy and I couldn't help but chuckle, in turn, making him a bit amused.

I am bored. I have stuff to finish but being the lovely procrastinator that I am..... ah well. Anyway, enjoy reading. 

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