Chapter 29. The bargain

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Today was the day. Skies, Gwyn and Azriel decided to come with me. (I was surprised when they had told me they would come instead of Cassian.) So, early morning we winnowed to the camp.

"Good, you are here," he said. I turned around and saw Bron. Standing beside him was Karson who was looking me up and down. I had to bite back my snarl but the others had no qualms and whose snarls made Karson retreat a few steps. Good.

"I have a bargain to make with you," I said.

"I don't have any interest in what you think you can give me. I already have all I need," Bron scoffed.

"Not to you only Bron," I knew he hated when I called him by his name and not addressing him as father. He fumed but didn't retort, his eyes darting to my mate. Oh, how I enjoyed riling him up. "I have a proposal for my future husband too," I said sweetly. Karson looked at me and nodded to tell me to continue.

"You see, I have been living with the High Lord and Lady for a while now. They seemed to have taken a liking to me...." I saw a bit of fear in Karson's eyes. I continued, "I heard that this camp hasn't been doing well since I left, something about the leader becoming lousy," I said smirking at Bron. He snarled while I ignored him and continued. "So, I have a deal for you. I challenge you Karson to a duel. If you win, I will willingly come to you without fuss and the High Lord and Lady will leave you be. But if I win, you will leave my camp and me alone forever. You on the other hand Bron, will let me take partial charge of the camp if I win," I stated.

"And why will I agree to this," he sneered.

"You chose Karson, let us see how good your choice is. Also, if you agree, I will tell you the whereabouts of your mate," I said. I received shocked glares from everyone present. I had told them I had something over him but not what I had. I liked my element of surprise... only Viv and the High Lady and Lord had known. Bron had a mate but she had refused to acknowledge him and flee. I was the only person who knew this other than them. She had offered to take me with her but I had refused. The females of this camp needed each other and I couldn't have abandoned Catherine then.

"You know where she is?" he asked me. I knew I had gained his interest.

"Yes," I said. I had gone to her during the night after everyone had agreed to my plan. I had asked her and she had agreed to it. She wanted revenge as much as me, to reject the bond of this pathetic ass of a male should he show up at her door. Before, she had been afraid but now, with reassurance, she wasn't. She knew today's events could go any way and so I had placed Viv with her who was in direct contact of the High Lady thanks to her daemati powers. Bron might get to know where she is but she will not be defenseless. "It is hilarious, isn't it? after all your talks about being supreme and what not, in the end you are a lousy camp director who needs his ass kicked," I said to Bron. He took a few steps towards me and I would be lying if I said it wasn't scary. Luckily, Gwyn came beside me and stopped his answering strides. "Do we have a deal?" I asked them both.

"It is a deal," Karson spat and Bron nodded curtly. I felt my chest tingle. Fitting I suppose, a tattoo near the heart marking the bargain that would change my entire course of life.

"You have fifteen minutes, pathetic excuse of a daught-" he said only to be interrupted by Skies punch. I heard a bone crack.

"You didn't have to do that," I told Skies once we were inside our cabin. Azriel and Gwyn had mysteriously disappeared.

"He had it coming," Skies said. He looked at me with such intensity in his eyes that all other thoughts except him flew out of my head. Suddenly, I was in his embrace with his lips on my forehead. "You will win," he stated.

"I will win," I said.

"You will come back to me," this time he sounded a bit unsure. And that wouldn't do, not at all.

"I will come back to you even if the whole damn world is against it," I said and kissed him. I felt his love and joy through the bond. After a few minutes of just us, I left the cabin- a soldier ready to win my battle.

All snarks, smirks and teasing behind. Now, it was time for my actions to speak for me, for all the females in this camp. Losing was not an option, losing meant leaving Skies, letting the females of this camp diminish their hope, it meant disappointing Nesta and all those who have helped me. Losing meant no freedom. So, losing was not the option.

Our swords clanged. I knew a bit of Karson's fighting skills and technique thanks to Marcus, Nico and Cassian's observation. He had way more training than me but I was petite and fast and small compared to his bulk and that is where my advantage lay.

Ten minutes. That's how long it had been since we had started our fight. I had two slashes one on my left arm and the other on my right leg. Karson on the other hand had one deep one running through his abdomen. We both had sweat glistening our foreheads. I had to end this soon or else I may not win.

Fifteen minutes. "Got you," he panted as he sat on me, our swords long gone.

"Have you though?" I asked and the next second I was standing with my leg near his abdominal wound. Thank Cauldron for Valkyrie techniques. "Yield," I commanded as I put more pressure on his wound. By now the whole camp was present, the females holding their breath.

"Fine! I yield," he spat and I deemed that enough. I offered him to take my hand but he refused and stood up on his own after some trouble.

"A fluke!" Bron shouted, I could see the panic building in his eyes.

"I win Bron." I sauntered towards where he stood fuming. "Respect our bargain," I told him and he had no choice but comply.

"Sit down," Skies murmured as he brought a chair. Now that the adrenaline was gone, I felt really tired and the wounds weren't helping. "We will finish the bargain in half an hour, go get ready," he said to Bron who huffed but went away. "I am so proud of you," Skies said as he ran his fingers through my hair. I lay my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

"Oh, I am so glad I won. I cannot believe Karson agreed to the bargain though.. Bron I knew he would because of the challenge, humiliation and of course, his mate but not Karson....." I voiced my thoughts.

"You really surprised us with that mate card out there you know," he said pinching my nose, making me chuckle. "

"What can I say? I loved the shock glares."

"Of course, you did," he chuckled. "Bottom line is... you won Vita," he said. The way my name sounded on his lips could never be replaced by anything else.

"I did," I looked up at him smiling. His answering one almost broke me, so adorable my mate.

"Let's go, there is a party of people waiting for you outside Bron's tent," he said with a proud expression permanently setting on his face. At my raised brows, "you'll see."

Why must Monday come (sigh). Anyhow... 

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