Chapter 3. A hit for the arse

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Notice: Mention of assault in this chapter.

My plan was to sneak up near the camp, stay low and leave at night which was only a few hours away. But luck seemed to be not on my side today. No, I just had to run into another Illyrian, didn't I! 

As I crept around the farthest tent of the camp, where the amount of people was mere 2 to 3, I had to look up to find a male smirking at me like he had found his meal of the day. Shit! Shit!

A heartbeat, that is all I gave myself before running. No sooner had I taken few steps than the male was on me.

"Hello there," he purred and sent chills down my body as his hands caged me to a tree's bark.

"You seem to have come far away from your house, pretty little thing." I fought against his grip and when I kneed his thigh, he just seemed angered more than anything else. 

"This won't do at all," he hissed at shoved his mouth down my throat, one of his hands now on my throat, choking me. Then his hands became insistent as one started touching my chest and the other started from my stomach and went down, down and down. I couldn't move, I couldn't breathe.

"No, stop," I said with as much command I could muster. 

I wouldn't let this piece of shit walk all over me. As the words left my mouth, a dagger found its mark on the male's shoulder. The male doubled over and red stain spread on his left shoulder. Snarling he turned around, giving me a way to escape. I went and hid behind a rock- shaking. I could not stop feeling his hand all over me, I shook due to my rage towards that nameless male, towards myself for being unable to do anything, for not being able even see my savior. I needed to run, now more than ever. I hated Illyrians like him.

"Hello there," I looked up and saw the red-siphoned male again and I started shaking all over again.

"What do you want?"

"Nothing, hey please, I am here to help you, please come with me," his voice was soothing, yet I didn't dare believe him.

"We? Who are you? And why should I believe you?..... Swear it, swear you are here to help me and won't harm me in any way or form and I will come with you." I might be weak and in need of help but I was not stupid. I know that once they swore, they could not harm me.

"We consist of- me- the son of the Shadowsinger and spymaster of the High Lord and, the son of the general of the High Lord's armies." This voice came from the blue-siphoned male.

"Swear." I remained adamant.

Sighing, with a look of sadness that I had to look away from, they both swore to not harm me and protect me. My skin tingled as the bargain took form on my left shoulder- the same place where the male had been struck a few moments ago.

I looked up and took the hand of the blue-siphoned male. I was still recovering from that male's touch to actually process anything. That asshat was going to pay. 

"Call me Skies," is all the blue-siphoned male said as soothing darkness embraced me and I collapsed due to exhaustion. 

Happy reading!!

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