Chapter 30. Things falling in place

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(A short chap ik) Around 950 words....

It has been three months since I won the bargain. I had had my reunion with the Epizontes. I couldn't be prouder of them, of us. Karson was long gone and I now commanded the females of my camp along with Bron. The males were a bit difficult and Bron did not make it easier for me. A few males were changing though taking example from a few other camps that were better. Step by step, I would reach my goal. Viv helped me guide the camp much to Bron's annoyance.... It was hilarious.

We told everyone we were mates a few weeks after the bargain. Sure, they knew we were together but hadn't known we were mates. We both were good at hiding and keeping secrets and had had some fun with the secret and riling the other up to see how far they could last. Surprisingly, Skies won.

Az and Gwyn had been ecstatic on hearing the news. Our friends had thrown one whopping party that had lasted from dusk till dawn.

Presently, I was lounging in the townhouse with a glass of wine. "Long day?" Skies asked. I hummed. Bron had been too difficult today. "Tell me about it," Skies said while taking the glass of wine from my hand. I protested; it was one of the finer ones. "You already had one glass, Vita," I grumbled in annoyance.

"I am not a lightweight you know," I said and he shrugged, "You are though. Now, tell me," he said and scooted over to my side, picked me up and positioned me on his lap... best seat if you ask me.

"Well, Bron was being particularly difficult today. He won't tell me where Kirington is buried as I won't tell him the whereabouts of his mate and so he spent an hour or so today trying to strike a bargain with me for it. He doesn't get that she doesn't want anything to do with him. I mean yes, she helped me during the time I needed it but now that all that is past us, she doesn't want to come out until necessary, she is happy and I won't compromise that. Viv and Elide came by today, said they still didn't know where Kirington is," I ranted.

"We will find him," Skies said while making circles on my back. I shivered, still not used to the sparks he sent through me every time I was near him, a good thing I suppose.

"On a good note, another male came around today, Silas. I was teaching a few younglings basics of protecting themselves and he helped me.... one of the good ones, I tell you," it was the only good thing that happened this week at the camp.

"That is great, they will all come by eventually, Silas is one example of that. I will come to the camp with you tomorrow," Skies said and I hummed. That would be nice.... Seeing his pretty face at that cold camp.

"Food is ready," I said, "come on." I led him to my room instead of the kitchen earning a confused look. It had been almost a year since I met him... I was done waiting, I loved him, end of story.

(Skies POV)

"I thought we'd eat dinner in bed today....." she said as I took what she had done to the room. There were aromatic candles on side, the moonlight providing enough light that more weren't needed. Food was placed on a tray on a small table near the bed along with a gift.

"I think you have something more in your mind," I sucked in a breath as I realized where this might be going. I had never asked her since when we had become mates... did not want her to think I was pressurizing her or anything.

"Maybe," she smiled and made me sit and then climbed on top of me. After a moment's silence of getting lost into her eyes, I kissed her passionately. I could never get enough. "I love you," she said and my breathe hitched.

"I love you more," I whispered against her skin and felt the shivers go down her spine.

"Not possible," she said making me laugh.

"Trust me, it is," I said.

"Uh huh... Back to my speech," she said.

"You prepared a whole speech? A warning would have been nice you know."

"Shush, I practiced it a few times so now let me say it before I mess up by crying," she said.

"Crying?" Please no bad news....

"Out of happiness," she said. I sighed, good, we didn't need sadness now. "Skies, I have loved you for a long time now," she admitted. "You are somehow always there when I need someone, you are the one I want to talk to whenever something happy or sad happens- you understand me better than anyone else. You are the one I want to spend my nights looking at the stars with. I love you with every fibre of my being and always will," she took a deep breath and I wondered if she heard my thundering heart. "You are my mate, and I guess, what I am asking is...." She held a cookie and I swear I stopped breathing for a second.

"I have loved you and always will, there is no doubt in that. And yes, I will accept the bond," I laughed, not believing my luck. I ate the cookie, not breaking her eye contact as she watched me with bated breath. I didn't need to say a speech, I knew she could see everything I felt in my eyes.

I am your mate I caressed our bond after finishing the cookie she had given me.

You are mine she said and kissed me. I snarled.

And you are mine.

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