Chapter 14. Wait what!?!

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(Skies POV)

Mate. Mate. Mate.

The word rang in my ears. Vita was my mate. My mate. I couldn't quiet wrap my head around it.

I had gone upstairs to check on her after the meeting. By the look she had during the meet, I was worried for her. She just attained her freedom, received some bad news that I was yet to figure out and now this.. It wasn't fair that someone as good and brave as her had to go through all this.

When she hugged me, her fragrance hit me stronger than anything. Jasmine and cinnamon. I almost went on my knees right there. And then when she thanked me with so much feeling, the bond snapped into place for me.

I was still processing what had happened. She was my mate- this beautiful, smart person was by the Cauldron, my mate. I might just go dizzy because of all this joy that was now bubbling inside of me.

I had suspected it since the first time I saw her, but this still hit as hard as a storm... in a good way though.

Now she was going head first into danger... without me. I wanted to go with her, for my sake as well as hers.

The shuffling of feet downstairs made me come back to the present. I went down to see Uncle Cass talking with Vita. Marcus was standing nearby, giving his inputs now and then. The atmosphere was a bit tense. Father was talking with Rhysand and Feyre.... Probably something to do with politics that always bore me to death.

"Ready?" Azriel asked. Marcus and Vita simply nodded.

"Maybe I should come too?" I asked without giving it a second's thought.

"We have already discussed this, you can't go.. that is final," Uncle Cass frowned.

Before I could protest more, the three of them left making me frustrated. Nyx looked at me suspiciously.... He knew me way to well.

My room I mouthed to him. I needed to tell someone. I would tell it to everyone else also but first, I would tell Vita. Nyx knew how to analyze people way too well that he would figure it out anyway or hound me till I gave in.

"Well....?" He asked as soon as we entered our room. Everyone else had dispersed after the three had left.

"I want to tell you something but you cannot tell anyone about it."

"Okkk... what is it? You are ok right?" he seemed worried.

"Oh no, I am fine. It's just that- well..." how am I supposed to say this!

"Well, say it! Don't keep me guessing Skies."

"Vita she- she is my...."

"Your what? Wait a minute.... Is it what I think it is?" I nodded. "I need to hear you say it Skies!"

"My mate," I said softly.

"No way! That is- that is amazing! Right?" he couldn't contain his grin.

"Yes, it is.. I mean I suspected since the start when she punched and gutted us," I laughed. "she is amazing and so smart and I can't believe my luck," I told him.

"Neither can I," he whistled. I threw a pillow at him. 

Comment and tell me what you think about Skies' character so far

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