Chapter 2. Hello Illyrian males!

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Three days. Three days since I had fled, successfully. Yet, I spent every waking hour in anticipation that someone would find and catch me. My nightmares weren't any better. My only haven was the fact that my camp was a small one with only 30 male warriors. 

 Cold ran through me, making me shudder in its wake. The cave was not well-insulated and I was running out of food. The trees around were all poisonous- she had known this thanks to Vivi- their groups herbalist. Just a few more days- 2 maximum- then I would forever leave the Night Court. Freedom had never looked so close- I didn't breathe too loud in fear and anticipation. I will make it, I had to.

The next day passed and the swaying trees, chirping of the sweet birds gave me company. I had reached the last mountain. My teaching was not anyone's priority so my geography was a bit weak. As far as I knew this was the mountain of healing- if the folklores were to be believed.

I felt proud of myself- surviving 4 days in these brutal weather with minimal food and clothing was no small feat. Although it still irked me that my make-shift dagger (a sturdy stick that I made pointy) might not save me if the worst comes.

Tired after hiking till the sun was scorching my back, I waddled and sat down. I missed Vivi, Eliya and the others. They had been my lifeline for so long and now were gone in a heartbeat- separated because of the so-called traditions. 

Lost in my trail of thoughts, I didn't see the male till he was five feet away. Shit. Shit! I hid behind a tree, praying it would give me protection from the beast in front of me.

Someone tapped my shoulder and I froze. This couldn't be it, no, I would fight and go down. The tapping became insistent. 

"Hello there-" I cut that male's voice as I turned around as fast as my tired body could and punched him in the gut. Not waiting for the reaction of that Illyrian male, I ran. Another male took his place in front of me between one blink and another. Yet, I didn't stop. No, I gutted him with the point of my make-shift dagger and ran. Ran for my freedom. That was the last thought in my head as I was hit on my back head and felt the ground hit my cheeks.

I woke up with the tree being hugged closely to my back. The ropes bound my hands as I glared at the two Illyrian males who stood in front of me- hands crossed, looking annoyed. Each had 3 siphons on them- I shuddered. 

"Why did you punch me and tried gutting my friend here?" That was the blue siphoned one and he seemed to be immersed in the shadows. The other one- with the red siphon- just tilted his head, his eyes scrutinizing me. I simply stared at them, unwilling to answer.

"I will not repeat myself, answer me."

"No," I stated, the blue-siphoned male rose his brows. I had to get out, these males were nothing but trouble. 

The red male played with a knife- a sharpened, gleaming one. I gulped. "Fine, if you must know I ran because I thought you were here to capture me and my father has told me to stay away from Illyrian males, till the time I have not been engaged to one. I am to keep my head down and stay out of trouble or become a disgrace like my sister who had tried to flee," I made sure to add contempt to the sister part. 

I let desperation cling to my voice now, "Please, I do not want any trouble, I am only out here to collect some rare herbs that benefit my brother. I swear I am an obedient daughter. Please don't hurt me, I beg you." If these males had any ego, they would be satisfied now. I prayed they bought my act. At least the first few words of my excuse were true and I knew for a fact that a small Illyrian camp was set-up a mile away, just on the other side of the bank of the river that now flowed beside me. By the look on their faces, they were fighting between pity, being disgusted and trying to find holes in my story.

"What about the food we found in your pocket and the dagger you carried? No female is allowed a weapon." The blue-siphoned male was really starting to annoy me.

"The food was for me sir, it is my daily diet, a generous one if I might add, given to me by my family. The dagger was to defend myself in case a wild animal came my way. I do not want to fail the task given to me sir." I made my voice' pitch go a little up, adding sir here and there to keep them from using or killing me or maybe both.

After a few mutterings, they opened my restraints. I dared not move. "Your name," the red male demanded. 

"Sellene," I stated, keeping my head low and taking paced breathes to keep them from smelling any of my fear or desperation to get away.

"Ok Sellene, you may go." I bobbed my head and left. There is no way I could continue my journey ahead now, not with those assholes watching me. 

Thus, I walked towards the camp, an ever-obedient daughter facade, oblivious of the fact that I was being watched by them. 

Hope ya'll enjoy :)

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