Chapter 21.

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A week. That's how long it had been since Starfall. A lot of things had happened since then. Mira and Marcus were officially together much to my happiness (they looked so cute together), Nyx had taken the news with 10 minutes of pin drop silence much to everyone' amusement, and Cassian' scouts had successfully found the beasts liar. Turns out there are at least 4 of them who were now rampaging through the forests and destroying everything near them. Fortunately, no one was harmed... yet.

One of them was killed yesterday. The 12 feet tall weighing mother knows how many pounds with its thick hide was hard to kill which made the news even more sweet.

Right now, I was on my way to another meeting along with Viv. I had made the High Lord promise (well... almost begged) that he would let me help kill Catherine's beast. Rage and anger overpowered any other emotions in my mind, making it easier to focus on the action of killing rather than the consequences it carried.

"We have the location of three others. They were extremely hard to track," Nico said once we reached the townhouse.

"Where?" Viv asked immediately.

"That I don't know yet," he said as we made our way to the library once again. I snorted and Nico elbowed me.


"Hey! Don't hurt my bestie," Mira said appearing from the kitchen with a-

"Cookie!" I exclaimed. "Ooo that too chocolate chips!" I made my best puppy eyes.

"No, no, not the puppy face," Mira laughed but eventually gave me her cookie.

"Back to business kids," Cassian said once we reached the library.

"Where are the other three kids?" Nico asked.

"Coming," Cassian said with no further explanation though his lips twitched upwards a bit.

"Sorry... we... are..... late," Nyx panted as he, Marcus and Skies rushed into the library. On Mira's rose eyebrows Nyx muttered something that sounded dangerously like overslept.

"Anywayy.... Back to the beast," Skies said clapping his hands together. He looked as good as always even now when his clothes were a bit rumbled, and hair sticking out in every direction. Is it possible that he looked even more handsome? Wait back to business Vita, focus!

"Right," Cassian cleared his throat, "we found one of them lurking near some cabin in the woods... near Bron's camp-"

"Catherine's cabin," I interrupted and the tension in the room was palatable. "Can I take that one?" I asked. Viv agreed.

"We will decide that later," Cassian said and Viv grumbled. "So, the second and third ones are near the mountains, hiding around the lake. We are going to start hunting them the first thing tomorrow morning so be ready. The elders have other matters to assist so you lot are stuck with me and Nesta who has agreed to stay and help us. Besides it's good training."

"Who gets which one?" Nico asked and I knew he was just as bloodthirsty as me at the moment.

"Patience," Cassian grounded. "Ok, so Nico, Mira and I will take the river front, Nyx and Nesta will take the mountains and," he sighed, "Vita and Vivi are you'll sure you want to-"

"Yes." "We are."

"Don't say I didn't warn you," he mumbled. "Then Vita, Vivi, Skies and Marcus will take the cabin."

"Guess you stuck with me again," Marcus came up to me and Viv and grinned.

"Oh, we are aren't we, Mother help us," I said making Viv laughed. Marcus fake pouted.

"Good thing you have me then," Skies said from behind. I shivered as his hand brushed mine and I took in his sweet scent. This felt like somewhere I belonged.

"Oh yes it is," Viv said slyly before scowling... I may have elbowed her.

"Strategy!" I exclaimed, trying to think of anything other than my closeness to Skies.

"Right," Skies said and I swear I felt him smirking.

The next half an hour went into discussing and debating and my anticipation built to the point where I needed to do something instead of just sitting and talking. So, I excused myself to go back to the library.

"Didn't know you took that job this seriously," Skies said startling me once again as I put on my coat.

"I do, I don't want to be fired," I said without looking behind or stopping for him. I knew he was walking behind me. He snorted. "Besides, I like it there."

"Hmmm." We fell into an almost comfortable silence till the time we reached my destination. Being with him was... intoxicating. I loved his company and I knew he enjoyed mine... or I hoped he did. But that comfortable company did nothing to lessen the sparks I felt when he was near me or when I got lost in his eyes. We hadn't actually gone out yet though, only seeing each other midst our friends and while training.

"Well, see you later," I said, finally looking up to him, his intense stare nearly taking me breath away.

He walked closer and I stood still in anticipation. "I am still waiting for that date," he whispered, his lips brushing my ear, sending sparks all over my body. Seemingly satisfied he smiled and left me standing at the shop's door. I was going to get back at him....

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