Chapter 28. Where it all began

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"So, you have come back to me I see," Bron said. It had been 3 days since I started training and I decided it was time to come meet Bron.... Alone. Only Viv knew I was here, and Mira but only as I needed someone to winnow me in. it was barely crack of dawn and I hadn't slept well previous nights.... My patience was thin.

"I haven't come back to you," I spat. "I want you to tell me which male is it that you want me to marry?"

"And why would that change anything," he said, he sniffed me a bit and snarled. "Who is the other scent on you? How dare you, I promised you to another male and you go disrespect me like that," it was his turn to spat.

"Oh, shut up and spare me. Tell me the name, we can always continue the niceties later." I was running out of time Mira had only agreed to give me 10 minutes alone before she winnowed me back.

"Karson," he said after a minute of staring battle. "Not from this camp, but from the same one as that bastard," he said and my breath hitched.

"His name was Kirington and you would do well to remember that," I snarled. Kirington was the one who had found me once when I had gone to the woods after one of Bron's rages. He helped me and ever since then he would meet me once in a while and help me. He was a good male and his death followed by my sister's events had made me rise against the awful Illyrian males of my camp.

"He was a bastard who took you from me."

"He was more of a male than you ever were, he was my father," I replied.

"I am your father," he shouted.

"Maybe by blood but he is the father I chose and you killed him. You are the bastard, he was so much better, much better warrior and male than you ever will be," I was angry. We both knew he had killed Kiri but never before had any of us acknowledged it in front of the other. And that fast, my head echoed as he slapped me. I would have retaliated but not now, not yet. I cowered, making sure that his eyes saw a poor girl who was just all talk and in need of leadership from the likes of him. Let him think whatever he wants for now, let him think that I am no action... I had gotten what I had come for.

"Karson will show you your place," he said and left me standing inside the tent. I still had 4 more days before he could demand me to come with him, until then he would leave me alone. I left after a minute or so and went back to where Mira was waiting for me.

"What the hell happened?" she asked as soon as she saw the print on my left cheek.

"Bron," I said. When she started, I continued, "not now, not yet." I held her hand and we winnowed back to the townhouse where Viv waited for us.

"What the hell," she was just as furious as Mira.

"Not now, not yet," I told her the same thing. "Important thing is that I know who he wants me to marry," I nearly choked on the word marry.

"Who?" Viv asked, still furious.

"Karson," I replied. "Same camp as that of father's," I said and her face paled. She knew I had a difficult time thinking about anything remotely related to him.

"Father? Isn't your father Bron?" Mira asked dumbfounded.

"Bron is my blood. I chose Kirington as my father just as much as he chose me to be his daughter," I replied. "Family isn't always bound by blood." She nodded like she understood. Perhaps, she did but she didn't know what Bron had done to him out of pure jealousy.

"I need to tell Cassian or Marcus... they will know who the male is, his strengths if they have seen him fight, I can use that to my advantage," I said. And so, we three went to the House of Wind where they were training as usual.

"You went alone!" Skies was... angry. "He could have hurt you!" I had told them after training and needless to say, they seemed a bit pissed and a bit impressed.

"Technically, I was near them," Mira pointed out, earning a glare from Skies.

"She is right you know besides I am very much capable of handling Bron and he would have been more annoying to deal with if any of you guys had come with me," I pointed out. I told them about Karson and which camp he was from, leaving out the Kirington part of course.

"Still..." Skies huffed. I simply let my hand run through his hair and kissed him on his cheek, earning grins from everyone else. The biggest being Viv and Nyx. It had also been 3 days since we became exclusive and told everyone.... I was a bit disappointed though that they weren't surprised, something along the lines of yeah, we saw that coming from a mile away.

"I will look into it," Nico said who had agreed to accompany Marcus on finding out more about Karson.

"Thank you," I said to both of them. They immediately left to check up on him and we all dispersed too.

Skies shadows danced on my right arm as we made our way to my job. Viv was now working in a jewelry shop, which was nearer to the townhouse than the library. "I like your shadows, have I mentioned that?" I asked Skies who had calmed down by now.

"You might have mentioned it," he said in an amused tone with a bit of-

"Wait a minute, are you jealous?" I laughed as I saw his face turn pink.

"Of my shadows which you seem to compliment more than me? no," he scoffed. I stopped him and kissed him soundly.

"I like you too," I told him still amused. "Good," he whispered before kissing me again harshly... rumpling his feathers was one of my favorite past-times now.

The next few days went by quickly. From dawn till noon I would train, afternoon would be spent reading and spending time with my friends. Night was for spending time with friends, Skies, Velaris and dancing. Although, I would always retire early in preparation for the next day.

I colored my hair tips. Maroonish-brown at the ends.... It looked good, especially now that I had made my hair shoulder length. Mira had complained on about how I had not invited her as we could have colored it together. Skies had mused that maybe he should color his hair the same as his siphon's color... it would look good I had told him and he had seemed delighted at that thought. I couldn't wait to see Bron's face though..... he had always seemed adamant on me keeping long hair.

Soon I would go to Bron but this time with my friends. Soon, I would lay down my terms and soon I would help the females of my camp. Soon. Bron better be ready. 

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