Chapter 23. Just another day

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(Skies POV)

I got up to a pair of frowning eyes. "Took you long enough," the pair of eyes were Vita's.

"What happened?" she knew I didn't mean what happened to me but rather with the beast.

"Dead. All three," she stated. "Good."

"How are you feeling?" she asked me.

"Except for the fact that I feel like someone is pounding my head from the inside?" she snorted. "Perfect," I said looking at her intently, she blushed and broke the eye contact.

"Well, I better inform the others you are fine and get you some food," she said, "everyone else is alive and breathing," she added when I opened my mouth to ask her about them.

"And you?" I asked. She looked at me weirdly before shaking her head.

"Fine." I didn't believe her but let it slide for now. I would talk to her as soon as Madja cleared me and when I could entirely focus on Vita without my head disturbing me.

(Mira's POV)

Vita came downstairs and nodded her head. I sighed thank mother he was fine. Our group had suffered minimal injuries, thankfully. Nesta and Nyx had done well too, although Nesta had quite a few cuts and bruises. Marcus had healed by now. I may or may not have given him a cracked rib when I saw him and hugged him as if my life depended on me. He was the same though, hugging me with equal enthusiasm. At least the nuisances were dead.

"Where is everyone?" Vita asked as we made our way towards the kitchen.

'Couldn't keep still. They are babies, always need to be in movement," I said. Viv snorted, she was already in the kitchen, eating... something. Her cooking skills were terrible yet she insisted on cooking herself.

"How do they have so much energy, I just want to sleep now that Skies is fine," Vee exclaimed and I honestly agreed.

"You lazy people, here I will take the food to Skies. You two need to rest," Viv said pointing at us two.

"You are truly an angel Viv," I said. Vita snorted which made Viv glare at her before leaving.

"One pancake later I will sleep," Vita decided. "Do you ever eat anything healthy?" I asked her while laughing.

"Hey! Not my fault these pancakes are so delicious. Besides, I still could beat you easily," she said.

"Oh, is that so? You are on, prepare to lose cosmically," I stated while eating a pancake myself, "but as soon as I eat and sleep," I added making Vee laugh.

(Skies POV)

"Thank you," Viv said after I finished eating. When I raised my brows she added, "not just for helping kill the beast but also for saving Vee that day.... She told me what happened after she escaped, so thank you."

"I would have done it for anyone," I said.

"I know, and that is why I trusted you all since the very first moment I talked to you all," she said, smiling. "I know Vee is struggling but somehow you help her feel better, so yes, thank you," she said looking at me so intently that I felt she was analyzing me inch by inch.

"Is she feeling better?" I asked her. We both knew I wasn't talking about physical scars.

"She will be," I nodded.

"I am glad she has you," I said.

"Me too," she said and winked. The door opened and Vita walked in. "Speak of the devil," Viv said and Vita scowled.

"What were you both gossiping about me?" she asked with a playful smile on her face.

"You will never know," Viv sighed dramatically.

"Are you both going to gang up on me now? I am going to be in need of a new best friend," she sighed sadly making Viv elbow her.

"You are stuck with me Vee, me and my amazing ass," Viv said, making me choke while I was drinking water.

"I don't know, my ass looks better," Vita laughed making Viv scowl. Vita looked at me and winked, and despite all my efforts, I blushed.

"See what you did? You made him uncomfortable," Viv said gesturing towards me.

"I am not- You didn't-" I sputtered making them both laugh. Ouch, that hurt.

"Anywayyy..... I am going to go rest for some time and wanted to ask where did you hide the cookies?" she said pointing an accusatory finger at Viv.

"You wound me, I didn't hide it anywhere," Viv said while pouting and putting a hand over her heart.

"Viv I swear on all chocolate chip cookies, if you don't give me my cookie right now I will-" I couldn't help it- I laughed, which made me earn two amused glares.

"Alright! Alright! No need to get all violent, come on," she then said turning back to Vita. Both of them looked at me for a second with such identical expressions that I wondered if they were twins.

"I will be fine," I said waving my hands. They left arm in arm, still bickering and laughing but not before Vita gave me a soft smile that made my heart beat thousand time faster.

I swear on the Cauldron, as soon as I have found the perfect restaurant, I will ask Vita out for a day. I first thought of taking her to Rita's but she has already been there and so why not take this opportunity to show the rest of the Velaris she has been missing out on while being too busy between training and newfound friends. I will take her some place I know for certain she'll like love.

After another two hours, I was completely healed, just in time for dinner. My stomach grumbled as I changed and made my way downstairs. Vita was already present and wore a sleek black gown that complemented her perfectly. Mira and Marcus were sitting side by side whispering and ... blushing. Viv and Vita were talking animatedly with Nyx while Nico came and stood beside me. The adults had already taken their seats, Aunt Feyre giving me a smile. Glad to see you back on your feet. I nodded, thank you, it does feel good.

"So, you finally decide to show up," Nico said. "Finally! I am so hungry," Marcus exclaimed making everyone look our way. Thanks Marcus. Vita looked at me and waved and I felt butterflies and explosions in my chest. My mate. I went and took my seat beside her noticing the smirk Nyx sent my way, making Vita tilt her head in question. Nyx, you traitor I silently conveyed. When are you two going on that date again? he asked Soon... hopefully.

"A toast!" Mira exclaimed. "Towards our victory and for the belief our parents and family had in us," she said raising her glass towards the adults sitting at the table. They raised their as we all cheered and started eating.

"How are you feeling?" I asked Vita while we took a short break before eating dessert.

"Me? I am not the one who got trampled and thrown to unconscious," she said, making me chuckle.

"But really, how are you," I was adamant.

"I am fine," she said making me frown. Fine? That wasn't exactly an answer and somehow I believed that she bottled up emotions and let everyone believe her fool's play. Viv nudged her, making me raise my brow till she said the next words. "How about you show me around Velaris a bit more tomorrow. I have yet to see every amazing thing this city has to offer." I couldn't stop my answering smile.

"Four in the evening tomorrow, be ready," I said and she blushed a little. We spent another few hours, after retiring from the dining room, talking about random things. When Vita started enthusiastically talking about books and music, I grinned.... I knew exactly where to take her. 

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