Chapter 19. Shopping

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Vita's dress for Starfall^^

"I ... feel ... like ... I ... am ... going ... to ... die." I said as I did my 39th crunch.

"Preach," Vivi replied out of breath. Training with Azriel is a different kind of torture.

It has been a week since I went flying with Skies. Now whenever I saw him the tension seemed so thick and a little awkward. Mira and Vivi had taken upon the idea that he liked me too which I thought was ridiculous, right?

"We are on for tonight right?" I asked Viv. She nodded, too tired to answer properly.

"Hello! How is training going?" I looked up to see a very amused Marcus and Nyx.

"Shut up," Viv and I replied in unison. They had the nerve to look offended.

"Did they find it?" I asked Nyx. 'It' being the Catherine's predator beast.

"Not yet," he replied suddenly grim. Way to ruin the mood Vita.

"That's it! I am never training again," Viv huffed. The boys simply laughed while I glared at them.

Thankfully, Az called the training off for the day. We made our way back to the shade and gulped down water.

"Easyyyy," a voice laughed from behind.

"Mira, Nico," I greeted them. Viv elbowed me. "Ow! What?" I turned towards her.

"Your 9'o clock." I turned to see Skies and my heart dropped to my stomach.

"Hey!" I squeaked. Mira and Viv snickered while Nyx had his eyebrows raised.

"Am I missing something?" Marcus asked while Nico looked as confused as ever.

"No," Skies and I said in unison. "We better get going," I said and left, dragging Viv and Mira with me. I liked Skies but I was not too sure if he reciprocated the same feelings. I mean sure, we had an amazing time when he took me flying but now every time I saw him, I wanted to be near him, with him. Hell, what is it!

(Nyx POV)

The tension in the air was thick enough to choke someone. These two really needed to talk stuff out. I sent a knowing look to Skies he simply shook his head and mouthed not now.

"Where do you think those three are going?" Marcus and his curiosity.

"I mean Starfall is coming up so probably picking up dresses and stuff for that," Nico replied.

"Wait what?! Starfall is in a week?" Marcus screeched. We chuckled.

"Fuck I still got to buy a suit or Mi-," he stopped short.

"Or what?" I asked, suddenly curious.

"Um.. or my um.. reputation as being best dressed will be ruined," I scoffed as if. I didn't believe him but I let it slide.

"Leave it," Skies said though his eyes were dancing with amusement, Nico and I looked at him now. He shrugged it off.

(Mira's POV)

"First things first; dresses. I have already bought one but you two need dresses. Or suits?" with everything that had happened, these two needed a breather.

"Dress," Vita replied. "Suit," Vivi replied.

"I know just the place," I smirked.

"Lead the way then," Vivi smiled. She loved shopping and had fallen for Velaris in an instant.

After an hour or so we had found the perfect suit for Viv. A red jacket with off-white vest that showed off her figure.

"People are going to drop to their feet when they see you Viv," Vita chuckled. I agreed.

"Oh, come on you two!" she blushed. "Now, Vee's dress!" she said as she clapped her hands.

"Ok what about this one?" I asked holding up a purple dress with laces and layers.

"Nope," Viv and Vee said together.

"Oooooo! I found the one!" Viv said dreamily. 

"Try it on," I said looking at the red dress Viv was holding up... Vita was going to slay it.

Vita took the dress and went to try it on and at the same time Nyx came in.

"You three are still shopping," his disbelief evident.

"Only Vita's dress is left then we are free," I said.

"Ok, what do you think?" she asked coming out and doing a swirl. She looked gorgeous.

"This is the one," I said and Viv squealed.

"Oh, you look good," Nyx whistled and I elbowed him.

"Don't you have places to be?" I asked as Vita blushed the same color as her dress.

"Ok! Ok! I am leaving, just dropped by to say hello but clearly I am not welcomed," he seemed sad while we three laughed. I loved having girl besties. 

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