Chapter 26. Camp comes calling AGAIN

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We went to dinner after a lot of questioning by Mira and Viv directed towards Skies and I. I had told them that we had just kissed and the disappointed look on Mira's face with contrast to the smug one of Viv's was worth it.

"Do not drop me," I told Skies as we flew to the House Of the Wind. I was learning to fly and was progressing nicely but I still couldn't fly for that long. "If you do I will have no qualms in returning the favor," I said and felt Skies laugh. For good measure, I brushed my hand against one of his wings and felt his entire body shudder.

"Vita..." he warned.

"Hmmmm.... Is something wrong?" Sometimes, I really liked the innocent-looking face that I could make.

"I will drop you," he said. I decided to test him and repeated the motion. He stood still for one whole second before letting go of me. I did a freefall. Honestly, it wasn't as terrifying as I had expected it to be. For one, I had wings and could safe myself, two, Skies wouldn't let me break my bones if he could help it and three, the fall felt exhilarating.

After another second, when I was halfway down, Skies caught up and held me tightly. "Why didn't you open your wings," he said as if he wasn't the one who had let go of me in the first place. I looked at him my laughter dancing eyes meeting his panicked, disbelieving eyes.

"That was amazing, we should do it again sometime," I said.

"You are insane," he replied. Holding onto me tightly, he flew and landed on the balcony of the House of Wind where our friends were looking at us, brows raised.

"Busybodies," I muttered under my breath, earning a wink from Marcus. I felt Skies' annoyance through the bond. Chill, Illyrian males. His wave of guilt could be felt through the bond. I squeezed his hand for a second to reassure him and made my way to Mira and Viv.

(Skies' POV)

"Any idea where everyone is? They are late and I am hungry." Nico said in annoyance.

"Maybe they are finally annoyed by you and thus escaped," Mira teased making Nico scowl. "Oh, come on! As if you weren't teasing me before," she said, looking at his expression and put a hand around his shoulder.

"As amazing as that would be, we had a change of plans," Aunt Mor said, leaning against the doorway.

"What happened?" Viv asked immediately. I felt both her and Vita tense as if they were waiting for the other shoe to drop. As if the thought that they were safe now, but for how long, was always on their mind?

"Viv, Vita, Rhys and Feyre want to talk to you right now," she said and I felt Vita's anxiety through the bond. Hey, I will be right here waiting.

She sent me a grateful look as they both left.

"I wonder what happened," Mira said after we finished dinner... without Viv, Vita, Uncle Rhys and Aunt Feyre. Something was up, I had tried to ask her through the bond but she simply said later and shut down. I was getting panicked by the minute.

We said our goodbye's and I made my way to the townhouse where I hoped they both would be. I found them sitting in the garden, with Vita curled up as Viv stroked her hair.

"Are you alright?" I asked as I went and kneeled beside Vita. When she didn't answer I looked at Viv who simply shook her head. I sighed and sat down beside them. I hated seeing Vita hurt, both of them hurt, they had gone through enough!

"News from the camp," Vita finally said making me stiffen. I waited... letting them speak. "It.. Bron found out I was alive, he is furious. So, to bait me, he has taken Elide, Eliya and a few others hostage. He will leave them if I go back and go through his wishes...."

"What wishes?" I asked. She didn't reply.

"He is a foul, loathsome-" Viv said while hints of tear appearing in her eyes. I felt my own anger churning. It was Bron, whatever he wanted couldn't be good and there is no way I let anyone harm my family, my mate.

"I am going," Vita cut in. "No," Vivi and I snarled at the same time. "Yes, I am. It is the only way. We go there and barter. If we don't and attack, it will be an inner war- we don't need that. You don't know how cruel Bron can be if he wants to be besides, I am not risking Elide or others over the probability that we might save them without losing anything," she was determined.

"Vee there is always another way," Viv pleaded. I could see the turmoil going in her head- best friend or lover...

"Maybe, but I choose this. I am not going to stand behind and let them protect me. I have a responsibility to the Epizontes and I will not back out. The whole point of it is to give females hope, to show them we are equals, and if I stand behind, all that we have done might be for nothing. They will understand, yes, but it won't be the same," Vita said. I knew she was right but that didn't make this any easier.

"Can I talk to Vita for a second," I asked Viv, she nodded and left.

"Vita, look at me, please," I needed her to look at me, to see what I was feeling. She finally did and the hopelessness in her eyes made me ache. "You are my mate and I don't want you going there without any protection. I know you can handle yourself and them but, that doesn't soothe me or stop me from worrying. So, if you are going to go, please think it through," I said. after all, it was her decision. I wanted to ask what wishes but I knew she would tell me when she was ready so I kept quiet.

"I did," she said softly, taking my face in her hands and kissing me on my forehead. My eyes closed at the touch.

"When are you leaving?" I asked, dreading the answer.

"In one week. Bron gave us a week to decide. In all honesty, that is him being generous," she chuckled bitterly.

"'We make the most of it then?" I asked, twirling her strands of hair. This was going to be so, so hard.

"We do," she replied, opening her arms for me. I obliged and we stayed like that till the stars winked and dawn came. 

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