Chapter 24. Perfect Date

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The next morning couldn't have come quicker, to say I was nervous was an understatement. I was nervous and excited at the same time which was making my stomach knot. Mira and Vivi were helping me get ready. According to them getting ready for a date took up my entire afternoon. I didn't understand why I needed so much time to get ready for a date! I voiced my concerns to these two and received "Shut up," from both.

"Purple or green?" Mira asked, holding up two equally amazing dresses.

"Both look good, I don't know...."

"You are of no help Vee," Viv shook her head. She ran her hands through the dress' material, "Green."

"Now, make up..?" Mira asked.

"Light make up," I said. I didn't like heavy make-up. "Ooo! Also, cookies," I said... what? I was hungry!

"Cookies and light make-up coming right up," Mira said and Viv went down to get some cookies. I had such amazing friends.

Viv came back smirking. "What?" I asked.

"Skies is downstairs with Nyx right now. He asked about you, looking all nervous and adorable. I told him you are getting ready.... Surprisingly it didn't help his nerves," Mira chuckled while I blushed.

After another hour or so (I lost track) I was finally allowed to go down. Skies was waiting in the hall. He looked.... Incredible. Black suit and rumpled hair.... I might just swoon here and now. I came down as silently as I could... didn't really want to make an entrance. Mira and Viv were peeking from my door while Nyx was busy talking with Skies who seemed to be fidgeting with something in his hands.

"Hey, am I late?" I asked as they turned around and Skies took me in.

"No, not- not at all," he said, now staring into my eyes, making heat rise on my cheeks. "You look beautiful," he was going to be the death of me.

"That's my cue," Nyx smiled and left, leaving me alone with Skies.

"Well, I hope so, Mira and Viv forced me to spend half the afternoon to get ready," I said, making him chuckle.

"You could have spent five minutes and you would still look amazing," he said. Looking at him I forgot why I was feeling nervous before, all of this seemed natural. This was how it is supposed to be, Skies and I together.

"Shall we?" he asked, holding out his hand. I took it, "We shall."

(Skies POV)

I knew Mira and Vivi were helping Vita get ready, I still didn't understand why did they need so long to get ready. Nyx chuckled. "What?"

"You have it bad," he said, chuckling again. "Oh! shut up," I mean he wasn't wrong but still...

"So, what have you planned?" Nyx asked.

"I mean I know she loves books and is into music so, I mean I hope she likes it.. I don't know what I would do if she doesn't, this is our first date... what if she thinks this is too much and-"

"Woah! Take a breath- turn around," Nyx said, stopping my terrible path of my thoughts. I turned around to see Vita and damn the Cauldron if she didn't take my breath away. She looked- gorgeous.

Presently, we were walking hand in hand in the streets of Velaris. "So, where are we going?" she asked with a little jump in her steps.

"You will see... I hope you like it," I said. I hoped my mate liked it. Did I plan on telling her she was my mate today? I don't know... she deserved to know though... I should tell her.

"It can't be dinner as it's too early..." she mused, making me smile.

"We are going to one of the most beautiful places in Velaris, it's just on the other side of the Sidra," I said. her eyes twinkled in anticipation. "After that we are flying," she squealed, "and then having dinner at a place I really hope you like," I said.

"Not Rita's?" she asked. I shook my head, "somewhere special," I said. she stopped walking for a second and I turned to look at her. She leaned in and gave me a peck on my cheek, I blushed furiously.

(Vita's POV)

"What was that for?" he whispered. "For being so amazing," I said. He then leaned and gave me a kiss on my cheek and then whispered near my ear in the same raspy voice that I knew he knew would make me go weak on my knees, "for being so amazing."

After some walking and talking, we finally reached our destination. To say it was beautiful would be an understatement. It was covered in snow and you could see the sun on the horizon of the Sidra.

"Wow," I breathed. I could feel Skies smiling behind me. I suddenly felt a burst of something in my chest as I looked at Skies, something tugged at me but no- it couldn't be. My luck couldn't be this good after all.

"We boys all live nearby," he said.

"Isn't it far from the townhouse though?" I asked. It was far but I suppose they just flew or winnowed then if any urgent business called them. "No wonder you were late for the meeting," I recalled. He laughed and I could listen to that sound forever.

"It is but the view is worth it," he said. I had to agree to that.

After some time when the sun was about to set, Skies offered to take me flying. After that one time when I flown that night, I hadn't felt the wind whip my face. I was so ready to fly again. Sure, the lessons were fairly nice (and brutal but don't tell Azriel that), flying with Skies felt euphoric.

"Watching the sunset in Velaris while flying with you... never thought I would get this chance," I said as we flew past few kids who looked at us and cheered.

"Flying with Vita on a date... never thought I would have that honor," he replied, which made a stupid smile appear on my face. He looked at me as we halted midair. "Has anyone ever told you that you are perfect," he said.

I laughed. "No, they haven't. besides, who wants to be perfect," I said. He frowned as I continued, "nobody's perfect. When you tell someone they are perfect, you ignore the fact that even the best people have flaws. If you say they are perfect, you overlook their faults which is as much as part of them as anything else," I concluded.

"Maybe they do see your faults, maybe they see that the other person doesn't like to talk much about their feelings or the fact that they never properly take care of themselves unless it is a life-threatening situation or that they are a horrible at art and still think that they are adorable and perfect. Maybe I see all of you and still think you are perfect," he countered with such intensity in his eyes that I lost and broke the eye first. I'm pretty sure my cheeks were flaming.

"Maybe...." I whispered as the wind whipped my hair making me doubt if Skies had heard me. Little did I know that he had as he tightened his hands around my waist sending sparks all over my body. I looked at him to find he was already looking intently at me. "We are here," he said softly, putting me down but still not breaking the eye contact. I stared back, "Where is here?"

"Restaurant.... well more of a cafe that is just your style," he said, finally breaking the contact. Ha! I win this time. I finally looked around taking everything in. it was truly my taste. Music played in the background while the restaurant's half wall was filled with books and different kind of instruments. The people chattered lively. The whole thing gave lively vintage vibes.

"You really planned everything for tonight,didn't you," I asked Skies. He nodded, still waiting for my review... "It isreally pretty," I said and he left out a sigh I didn't even know he washolding. 


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