Birthday!!! (extra)

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Today was Skies birthday. Vita had only gotten to know this after pestering Skies for over a week after he finally gave in and told her. Turns out, Skies greatly disliked his birthday for some reason. Something around the lines of waste of time and not liking the attention and having to react to the gifts received while feeling awkward. But Vita was determined, she would make sure he had an amazing day. And so, the planning had begun.

"Why am I blindfolded?" Skies asked exasperatedly. He had awoken with his mate showering him with kisses followed by her telling him to keep quiet while she tied the blindfold. First, he had smirked but then quickly been stopped that line of though after earning a smack on his head from Vita, though he had still felt her amusement through the bond.

"It is a surprise!" Vita said and Skies grumbled. He did not like surprises.... Usually, but right now he was curious what Vita had come up with on his birthday.

"Ok, walk," she said and pulled him up. He followed Vita who held his hand.

"Where are we going?" "Ok, open your eyes," Vita said removing the blindfold.

"What the-" the room had been almost completely transformed. A small pup was sleeping near one of the couches and delicious breakfast was set on the table. A banner saying 'happy birthday' was hung and in one corner of the room were gifts. The whole room was adorned with decorations and Skies could see the amount of work that had gone into it. Skies turned around and soundly kissed his mate. He was touched beyond measure. "The pup?"

"Ours, you have been wanting one for so long so I got us one.... He is very moody... just like you mind you," Vita said. Skies chuckled he had been wanting one for a long time but Vita hadn't been so appreciative of the idea before as there wouldn't be anyone who could look after when they went away due to their work for days at time. But, she had said and quote 'she couldn't say no to Skies' and thus had agreed to get one but had not specified when.

"Ok," Vita clapped her hands, "gifts!"

"How many did you get me?" Skies wondered looking at the pile of wraps.

"Around four, five if you count the pup," she smiled at him.

"You didn't have to," Skies protested. "Hmm, I wanted to though," she said looking at him intently. Happy birthday, my love.

"You are going to give me a run of money for the best mate you know," Skies said making Vita laughed. Mother above, he loved her so much that he wasn't even sure that 'love' was the right word for it. She knew him like no one else did, always surprising him, always being there for him, always teasing him and making his life come alive. With her, he was never in danger of getting bored, his mate knew how to make eternity interesting to say the least.

The presents Vita had bought Skies were all very thoughtful. An Illyrian knife that Vita had herself designed, a sheath that Skies had seen in one of the shops, a box of handmade brownies, a dashing suit, and four tickets for Azriel, Gwyn, Vita and Skies to the theater in Velaris for a night of dance, songs and quality family time.

"You are amazing you know," Skies declared after opening all the gifts and having breakfast with his stunning mate. Vita laughed, quite pleased with Skies' reaction to her gifts which she had spent days mulling over.

"So... I was thinking on how we should spend the rest of the day.." Vita started.

Tell me princess. Skies said through the bond while already eating one of the brownies.

"We start by sparring winner gets any one thing he or she wants." Vita knew how to get her mate's attention.

I don't mind that very much.

"Oh, I know," Vita laughed. "Then we have lunch with everyone then spend some more time with them or alone.. whatever you fee like and at evening we have the show to attend. The night is all yours again, after all, it is your birthday," Vita concluded.

"I say we spend it with our family, night we will be alone anyway," Skies said his eyes twinkling.

"Then that is what we will do," Vita announced. She got up to make her way to the bedroom but didn't even get outside the hall after Skies kissed her thoroughly.

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