Epilogue 😊

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(100 years later)

"I think it is a girl," Vita said as she put a hand on her swollen belly. Any day now. Her 4 siphons gleamed in the sun.... yes, she had taken part and won the Blood Rite. She had been the 3rd person to touch the stone that year.

"I think it is a boy, I know it is a boy," Skies countered, drinking some lemonade. Since Vita couldn't drink due to her pregnancy she had made Skies stop drinking too.... It was only fair. Skies to his word hadn't even touched a bottle of wine since he got to know about the pregnancy. They had been trying for a year before the good news had come and had made their life ten times brighter. 

It was funny really.

Skies had squealed and jumped when he found about the pregnancy after Vita's scent changed by a minuscule after a particularly long night. He had taken Vita and swung her in undiluted joy but then quickly put her down in case of messing the babe. Vita had tears of joy in her eyes as she realized that they had finally been able to conceive. They had spent the entire day among the company of each other and the growing joy eating cupcakes and toast and what not.

Skies had sneaked out at night when Vita was sleeping only to come back with a necklace that had a small intricately placed violet quartz... it was a charm of protection, the very first gift they would give to their babe.

Of course, the protectiveness had soon kicked in. Mira, Nyx and Viv were no better. Elide had offered her sympathy on that matter that had their entire group scowling while they both had laughed. Marcus and Nico were relatively better although Nico was now banned to get any of his new dalliance to the townhouse (where everyone would often rendezvous) after one of his so called two-night stand boyfriend had looked for a bit longer at Vita (congratulating her) and Skies had almost thrown a punch at the poor stranger. Needless to say, Skies had to stay at the townhouse that night while Vita had gone home with Mira and Viv claiming to need a breather from the males. (Skies and Vita had their own cozy, vintage home near the Sidra.)

Azriel and Gwyn were told separately and first. They had come home for some tea to see how their 'children were doing.' Vita was beyond grateful that they called her their child and treated her as one of their own. Gwyn had been ecstatic on hearing the news and had hugged Vita and Skies for a minute while Azriel had silver-lined eyes and had given them the sweetest smile ever. They had stayed and talked for a while, and Gwyn had told Vita her pregnancy and how it had been painful yet the most wonderful thing in the world. Obviously, it was followed by embarrassing stories of Skies and by the evening Vita had been rolling on the floor laughing while Skies had been scowling. It was amazing. A particular story about trying to fly and falling on Mira followed by him running from a furious Mira who had a stick in her hand was Vita's favorite.

Later, Vita and Skies had gone to Kirington's grave where she had sat down and told him all about their babe and her little family. Skies had been by her side the entire time should she need a shoulder to cry on.


"I.... hate.... you," Vita panted as she tried pushing again. They had been this for an hour, the contractions had gotten worse. The sun's warm rays filtered through the room and a cool breeze soothed Vita who was glistening with sweat.

"That is good now try again," Skies urged her while holding her hand and soothing her head which was leaning against his arm.

"Aaaaahhhhhhhh," Vita screamed and Skies winced from the sound. He never wanted to hear her scream like that ever again.

"Love, you are doing amazing, come on," he urged her. She gripped his hand so tightly it was a wonder that no bone had cracked yet. Others were pacing/ sitting worriedly/ fighting outside. Mira and Marcus were pacing, Gwyn was soothing Azriel and the High Lord and Lady were holding hands no doubts, recalling Nyx's birth. Nico had gone out to spar with Viv who needed a distraction and Elide had followed to make sure they didn't overexert themselves while Mor was pacing the wooden floor. Cassian was on the rounds in the camp and couldn't make it while Nesta and Emerie were Valkyrie training.

After what seemed like ages, a small cry was heard in the lovely Sidra-side house.

"It is a boy," the healer said and presented them both with a hair as that of his father and eyes as that of his mother. The healer then proceeded to help clean Vita.

"Oh, he is so pretty and perfect," Vita whispered, her voice hoarse after much screaming.

"He is, what should be his name?" Skies asked as he looked down at the little bundle of joy in wonder and pride.

"You say, after all you were the one who knew it was going to be a boy," Vita said looking at her lovely mate.

"Percy," Skies said.

"Percy... hmmm... I love it. Perce for short," Vita said softly and looked at Percy who was now cooing and was looking at the world with big curious eyes.

I love you and I love our little family. Vita passed through the bond and Skies kissed her only to be interrupted by the opening of the door. Viv barged in and Skies tensed before letting Viv near Vita and their babe. He still watched Viv's every movement carefully and as more people came in one by one he tensed a bit more but relaxed when Vita rubbed his arms and put the babe in his.

"A boy!" Mira squealed to be shushed by Viv. Vita saw the bit of gold that was passed to Mira by Viv.

"How much did you lose?" Vita asked chuckling.

"Twenty," Viv grumbled while Mira was smirking like a cat. After a while everyone went out to give the happy couple and now parents rest and some privacy. Only Gwyn and Azriel stayed back as Skies had requested them to.

"Do you want to hold him?" Vita asked Azriel who looked at her with some deep emotion she couldn't quite place. He simply nodded as Gwyn gave his hands a tight squeeze.

"We want you two to be his godparents," Vita said while holding Skies' hand. "Will you do us that honor?"

"The honor is all ours," Gwyn said and Az broke into a grin and then first hugged Vita and then Skies after Gwyn took over the babe.

After a bit when Vita yawned for the third time, Skies shushed Az and Gwyn outside. The three, Skies, Vita and Perce, spent the afternoon among each other's company and it was safe to say that the couple were on cloud nine.

"I love you," Vita kissed the babe's forehead. "You too," she said and kissed Skies while half-laughing and half-crying.

"Me too," Skies said hoarsely.

I love you more. Vita said.

Not possible. Skies countered.

And the three watched as the sun shone above the Sidra, twinkling with glee.

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