Chapter 11. Shopping sucks? Sucked.

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(Skies POV)

We spent the rest of the day shopping (sigh). When Mira said she wanted to shop, it usually meant spending hours trying on about dozens of clothes from about dozen shops. Normally, I would stay for about an hour or so and leave coming up with some excuse- although, I'm pretty sure that the others knew I lied.

Vita had never shopped like this before, and seeing her excited was very contagious. Mira and her went from one shop to another, browsing and gossiping.

"...fancy him?" Mira was saying. A slight blush appeared on Vita's cheeks. Now I was intrigued.

"What! Me? On him?" Vita looked so damn flustered.

"That is what I am asking," Mira smirked.

"Nooo, what! No!" and she went ahead to shake her head diligently. "What about you and.... Him?"

"How did you figure it out?! Wait, of course you did," Mira chuckled.

"What you too girls talking about? Anything spicy?" I asked from behind.

"Nothing," they replied in unison. I merely chuckled.

One of shadows left me and wandered around Vita. I gave her an apologetic smile.

"My shadows are very friendly sometimes," I explained.

"That's alright, they seem really pretty," I blushed.

Nyx and Nico were somewhere behind... eating. They tended to get hungry quicker than us, well, they were also more energetic.

"Where is Marcus?" Vita asked, a small smile playing on her lips.

"He is right there-" I look behind and he had vanished, leaving me dumbfounded.

Vita chuckled and grabbed my hand. "Come on, let us get back to the others." I nodded. Seriously though, where was Marcus... and Mira. I let my shadow slip to search for them- I was curious. By the time we reached Nyx and Nico, they reported that they couldn't find them. Huh. Oh! Oh!

"How did you figure about them before any of us?" I asked Vita. She simply shrugged and smirked. Brilliant.

"Mira said I could only tell one of you for my amusement at your reaction. Keep it quiet Skies," My name had never sounded so sweet. I wish I had a nickname so that she could call me that.

Nyx and Vita were now engaged in a conversation about poems and art.

"Don't you need to be somewhere Skies?" Nyx asked. That asshole, I swear.

"No, why would you assume that Nyx?" Vita's eyes twinkled like she knew exactly what Nyx was talking about.

"You two continue your... bickering. I need to go back to my newly-attained job," she chuckled and left. Her dimple showed making butterflies explode in my stomach.

"Someone is in deep shit," Nyx said as she left. I just shoved him playfully.

"Shut up, your turn will come soon and then you might regret this."

"Live in the present Skies, worrying too much gets you nowhere," Nico said. What will I ever do with these two!

"Come on, let's see how much you'll talk in the sparring ring," these two were going down. Their answering grins promised a good fight. 

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