Chapter 17. Recovering and Ongoings of the camp

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(Viviana' POV)

Vee was sleeping on the soft, plush bed. The healer- Madja had said that her wings would heal. Thank the Cauldron for that. I am going to kill her when she wakes up and is back on her feet. The idiot risked her life for me! She fled to escape the camp and when everyone thought Catherine to be her dead body, she comes back and wreaks havoc by rescuing me. This girl. A laughter escapes my lips.

"It is rude to laugh at your friends," Vee groans. "Vivi," she winks at me.

"You Vita are a-" I started only to be interrupted in my start of my rant of how foolish she was.

"Save the shouting hon, where is everyone else? Is Marcus alright?"

"She wakes up with her wings almost torn apart and asks if Marcus is alright," I wondered out loud. At her raised brows I add, "He is alright, everyone is fit and alive- only worried for you."

"Good. Also, uh... my um wings..." I could see her physically try to ask about something that benefited her. Honestly this girl- She has never been comfortable asking for anything for herself easily .... unless she was determined- then not even the devil could stop her.

"They will heal completely in a few days," I said. Vita released a sigh.

"So... care to tell me why did they suddenly decide to clip you?"

"That is a story for when you heal," I said. She glared at me... only if glares could kill ah well.

"Fine. Rest. When you wake up I will tell you everything. Also, apply this ointment on our stomach," the punches had made it go black and purple. She nodded, knowing that in a battle of wills I won.... majority of times.

As she slept again, I just couldn't stop thinking about how lucky I was to have such a friend. A soft click of the door and Skies entered. The Shadowsinger and Valkyrie's son.

"How is she doing?" worry filled eyes landed on me.

"She is sleeping now." I said, not really an answer. He nodded and sat beside me.

"Um.. thought you could use some food," he said, handing me a plate filled with delicious food. Ah, the smell made my mouth water.

"Thank you," I accepted and went back to observing Vee.

"What happened that you were in need to sneak out weapons?"

"I will tell you all with Vee," he nodded again.

(Vita's POV)

I woke up to blue eyes staring at me. Déjà vu. Although this time he looked away quickly, pink rising on his neck- no, must have imagined it.

"You drool in your sleep," he said with a smirk.

"I do not," I gasped, very much embarrassed. He only chuckled but then turned serious quickly.

"Viviana is down with the others. Won't say anything till you are fine and beside her. Her and Mira are having a battle of stares," at my amused expression he added, "not the time to laugh, lets' go." He laughed.

"Um sure but um- what happened to my clothes?" I asked raising my brows.

"Vee and Madja," he said, hands up as if in surrender.


I would have fallen if Skies hadn't caught my arm while getting up; still not used to my wings feeling out of sync with the rest of my body.

"Easy does it," he said- one hand on my waist other acting as a support for my arm. He looked so handsome, I had to look down to keep myself from blushing.

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