Chapter 8. Tears and Training

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What I imagine Vita would wear for training^^ 

I didn't sleep at all. As the sun came up, I got ready to meet Cassian for training. I just had to get out of my head and its thoughts about Catherine. The hot bath helped my sore muscles. 

Back on camp, we never got to enjoy such luxuries- another reason I knew I couldn't hoard on, the luxuries felt undeserving, especially when all my other friends still suffered. I quickly wiggled in the clothes I felt was most training appropriate. By the time I met Cassian outside, the sun was almost up.

"Hey Vita, how-," he said softly. I knew something was going to come and wanted to avoid it. I didn't need their pity, I survived before, I would survive now.

"Today does seems like a good day, doesn't it? Where are we going to train?" I asked him, feigning a smile- which felt so strange in the wake of Catherine's demise.

"We will train in the House of the Wind it is high up so we will have to fly... can you fly?"

"Never got the chance," I said. 

Cassian simply nodded and gestured me to hop on bridal style so that he could fly us up. I have dreamed about flying since I was a kid. But now, that I am, I can't seem to appreciate it as I hoped. My energy is focused on keeping the mask in place, keeping the tears at bay and keeping my thoughts from overtaking me. The wind still whips at my braided hair, the city sprawled beneath me but none of it matters now.

"Here we are," with a grunt he puts me down and placing his hand on my elbow to keep me from swaying- the flying would take some time to get used to. 

This thought sent another pang- Catherine would never see the skies again, never be able to fly. Tears threatened me and I searched for a spot to concentrate on. My eyes fell upon the trio- Nico, Nyx and Skies, the last one curiously looking at me. I broke the eye contact. 

Mira sauntered to where I was standing and started blabbering about things I didn't give two coins about. " Marcus today. The boys met him when they were training at camp. He isn't all that bad but can be annoying now and then. Don't tell him I said that though, won't hear the end of it." 

Mira went on and on. She was a sweet person but right now I just wanted to be so tired that even my thoughts couldn't bother me.

So, I simply gave Mira a small smile and started on the instructions Cassian was giving. Even as my body protested, I ran the around the mountain, I did the stretches and learnt new hand-to-hand styles (well, observed really, Cassian wanted to work on my stamina first). By the time we were done, I had gone and drank three glasses of water. Presently, I was waiting for Cassian to fly me back to the townhouse.

"You look as if you are going to drop down any second now," Nico whistled from behind.

"Last night's.... activities were a bit strenuous," I gave him a slight smirk, earning a laugh from him. Just what I needed- a distraction. "Don't usually train this much," I added.

"We will have to work on that. Come on, lets drop you to the townhouse," as I opened my mouth to reply he added, "Cassian isn't going to be free any time soon." Indeed, he was busy sparring with the Spymaster.

"You better not drop me Nico." His mischief-promising smile was not helpful.

Mira saw us and just gave a thumbs-up to me while bobbing her head towards Nico (again, making me second guess my decision). Bridal-style here I come.

"Soooo," he started and I raised an eyebrow at him. "What happened yesterday? When the adults wanted to talk to you privately?" I could feel his curiousness seep from him.

"This and that...," at his raised eyebrows, I added, "just the on-goings of my camp," I answered. 

Hopefully, he believed my half-truth. The rest of the flight went in silence and I could feel my eyes droop. Coffee, I needed coffee.

Once he put me down and saluted much to my amusement, he flew right back into the sky. As I was left alone, the nothingness crept back. I didn't want to examine that abyss, at least not now. I also may need something to drown my sorrows into- as a side drink with coffee.

I looked at the time and sighed. Maybe later, my first job awaited me. 

The one thing I do not envy is Illyrian training... brutal...

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