Chapter 15. Rescue Mission

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I do not like winnowing. I repeat, I don't like winnowing, it makes me nauseous and I end up throwing up as I did as soon as we landed near the camp.

"Oh god, that- ugh," well thank you Marcus.

After a few minutes, I was fine and ready to go rescue Vivi. Azriel left us near the camp, and went to check for the beast till the time we came back- I wanted to know which beast it was that had resulted in Catherine's death. Marcus and I made our way into the camp. It was past midnight and so all males were asleep or too busy to care about two sneaky imposters. With a pang I realized that my friends would be meeting right about now.... And they might be thinking I am dead.

"Marcus, listen... I need to visit my friends after rescuing Vivi. So, as soon as we rescue her, go ahead without me, I'll join you in some time," I said.

"Vita, I don't think that is a good idea..."

"Please Marcus, I need to see them. Please," I begged.

"Alright," he said with a sad smile, like he understood me. "Be quick though," I nodded.

They had kept Vivi near the edge, making our work easier. As we went near, I don't know why but I sensed something was not right... that our plan was going to go up in flames.

"Be careful," I said holding Marcus' wrist. He gave me a comforting smile. When did I get so lucky to meet such amazing people? Ah well... back to rescuing.

We made our way into the house she was being kept in. Marcus was guarding the perimeter, just like we had discussed. Okay, deep breathes, we will rescue Vivi successfully.

I went in. The room was very dark, no lamps whatsoever. It was so cold and there seemed to be only one window for ventilation. There. I took a sharp breath. Vivi was lying on a cot, her dress seemed so stiff that I was sure it was coated with blood. She seemed to be sleeping and chains bound her legs which I am sure there was no need for. Anger boiled in me.

"Vivi? Viv? You here with me?" I asked her softly, gently nudging her shoulders.

"Vee? Is that you? Please tell me I'm not dreaming again," she whimpered and my heart broke in two.

"Hey no, it's really me, this is real, we are going to get you out of here ok?" she nodded, not taking her eyes off me.

"I am going to be as quiet as I can alright? But the chains will make noise so I need to make sure you are capable of running. As soon as I snap these," I said holding the chains, "run outside towards an Illyrian named Marcus. He is not from here so you will know, alright?"

"Ok yes, ok."

"Ok so let's get you out of this hellhole," I said as I bought the axe I was carrying down on the chains. Snap! The chains fell making a bit more noise than I had anticipated. Two males appeared and blocked the exit. I'm pretty sure Marcus was defending his own while Azriel was too far away to help. Ah well, get ready to run head first into danger.

"Hello boys," I smirked at the two males- Siphon-less males to my relief. They seemed aggravated and when I smiled at them they broke hell upon me. The only reason I was standing was thanks to Cassian with his training.

Run I told to Viv as they were too distracted by me. She did but one of the males caught her. The plan was fucked up by now. As male no. 1 held Viv and punched her, male no. 2 attacked me. I only had time to dodge, bend and throw a few punches now and then. Where was Marcus?

Male no. 2 punched me in my gut that had me flying across the room. He then picked up my axe and advanced towards Vivi. No. No. Male no. 1 was now keeping guard at the exit, looking around and making sure no one came in probably- like they would care and not join with some popcorn. Vivi was now silently crying, blood running from her forehead and nose. She looked so pale and thin. My heart broke and suddenly the pain was replaced by rage- giving me the adrenaline boost I needed.

They didn't pay attention to me as I got up and advanced towards male no. 1 and hit him on his head (Mira had shown me the point where you can make someone go unconscious in seconds) with all the power I could muster and then stooped to meet Vivi's face. Male no. 1 fell to the ground while male no. 2 just got ten times more furious as if he couldn't believe my audacity. He threw the axe towards us. Shit. Shit.

I barely had time to cover myself and Vivi with my wings when the axe found its mark- my wings.

(Marcus' POV)

The perimeter seemed secure, Vita had just gone in. Hopefully, everyone would work as we had planned out or I would have some explaining to do back home... and stay away from Mira and Skies for some time.

An Illyrian male seemed to be making their way towards us- something I couldn't let happen.

I walked towards him- whistling. That seemed to catch their attention. Good; they don't need to hear the rescue taking place.

"Who the hell are you?" he asked, hand already going to the knife that was slung on his hips.

"Who are you?" I countered, letting my hand wander to my knife.

"Don't play dumb with me boy." He snarled. Ah, this one's got some anger management issues.

"No need to get so irked about this. I was out for a midnight stroll," I said.

"You are not from here though," ah well... small camp excuses are difficult to come up with.

"No, I am not... I am here due to official business." Think fast Marcus!! Ok, deep breathes, no panicking. First rescue mission has to be successful.

"And that is...?" he raised his brow.

"Well, I was going to come tomorrow morning but seeing I was bored came tonight instead. I am here to do a camp check," I replied.

"We just had one by that basta-"

"Cassian, I know. But, seeing that one person escaped successfully and the other female tried... we thought it would be work in everyone's favor that we look into why the females want to run. This way, the High Lord doesn't need to personally interfere and your camp isn't embarrassed more than-"

"You know what? I have seen you before with the High Lord's son, you are free of inspection," he said and walked back in the direction he came from. Crisis averted!

As I went back to the perimeter, my heart dropped. I could hear fighting. I went in just in time to see the axe cut Vita's wings.

I ran towards the male advancing at her. The next moment, I was on him. Two punches and unconscious. I turned around to see an axe in Vita's wings as she protected whom I assumed was Viviana. Fuck.

"We need to go Vee... also I may need to take the axe out before it does further damage," I said softly, there is no way others didn't hear her scream.

"Remove it," her voice sounded so hoarse. I did that as gently as I could but she couldn't keep her scream inside.

"What the hell happened?" Azriel came into view.

"We need to go," is all I said. Az nodded.

The next moment all four of us were outside the townhouse. Az with Viviana in his arms and Vita leaning heavily on me- now unconscious. 

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