Chapter 10. Can't get you off my mind

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(Skies POV)

She landed on the ground, Cassian putting her down gently. Her brownish-black silky hair already coming undone. She walked towards the ring where Mira and Nyx were present and started her own sets of stretches. 

I couldn't help but admire her. So smart, sneaky and brave. It took guts to flee when you knew what consequences you might face if you got caught, to start a brand-new life among strangers.

Yet, she seemed to handle all that with ease. Well, at least she feigned it well. I knew something had happened that day when she went and talked with the adults. my shadows weren't able to penetrate the shield they had put when she had gone in. I had wanted to stay and ask her when she came out but Nyx had insisted me to go with him.

Later, at Rita's she looked gorgeous and had nearly taken my breath away. Though, she had looked tired- holding her shoulders stiff. There was sadness in her eyes that I couldn't bear and had hit me with a nameless force; so strongly, taking me by surprise. Once she started talking, her eyes lit up and I thought I had never seen anything so pretty. And when she had laughed- it was like a melody to my soul. Something golden had stirred in me but had gone as soon as she broke our eye contact leaving me starving for that feeling again. I had to leave then, thoughts of her swirling my head. Later, I had called Nico and Nyx, telling them about... my suspicions.

Presently, she was training in hand-to-hand combat. And I knew, I just did that the training bought her alive- the way she seemed to move as if it was a dance and smirk as if she has been doing this since before she was born.

"You need to stop staring at her Skies, she might start thinking you are a creep," Mira's voice said into my ear.

"I wasn't staring!" I protested. At her raised brows, I blushed a bit; I had been staring.

"Really brother, tone it down a bit. Also, you are sparring with me today," Nyx said.

And that's how I ended up with 5 bruises and Nyx with 6. The smug smile stayed on my face for a while.

"Stop looking so smug you arse." Nyx gruntled, "You don't look that good either."

"This is second time in a row I have beat you, I get to act smug," I replied.

"Boys, boys, stop arguing. Marcus and I are going out to shop a bit today, do you'll want to come?" she asked as she examined her nail polish.

"Not really, shopping and me is a big NO," Nyx said while I silently agreed.

"You sure? Vita is also coming by the way," she said, now smirking and looking at me. This woman- I swear.

"I- I mean if you are insisting so much, I guess I'm free this evening so why not," I said. "Nyx is coming too," earning a glare from him. If I was going, he was too.

Mira just snorted muttered "Boys" under her breath and left. 

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