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"Court adjourn." With that, I wasted no time leaving the courtroom. All I want to do right now is go home and have a nice warm bath.

I have been dealing with 3 cases today and all seem favourable to me.

"Mr Kim, are you going back to the office or straight home?"

I almost forgot about my assistant.

"I'm sorry Hyun, I think I'm going home, not feeling great. Do you mind dropping the documents at the office?" He nodded. "Enjoy your weekend!" With that, I left.

I'm too going to make my weekend enjoyable by just being lazy all day long.

Made my way to my car and make sure to stop by and grab dinner before I reach home.

After a nice warm bath, I take my dinner to the living room, turn on Netflix and enjoy an action movie.

It's been a while since I enjoyed my day off because it is usually me and more cases that I bring home for deeper attention.

Being the head prosecutor at such young age causes older prosecutor to hate me because they believe that I am not capable when they are the one who has been eyeing my chair since the last prospector found dead after taking his own lives which I don't believe but no solid evidence was found during the investigation.

I made my way up here for being bold and brave while mostly all of them have been involving in the gang to earn more for themselves or in simple term bribe. This greedy old man thinks I would care when they tried to threaten me using but have but it all goes to waste when I manage to put the gang they are involved with behind bars.


"Shorty! You scared me shit!" My good friend, a short man with the babyface but scary as hell when he got angry.
"Don't you know how to knock?"

He laughs at my white face when he suddenly jumps in like that.

"Sorry, Taetae..." He said still laughing.

"I almost shoot you!"

It's true because my hand was already reaching the gun under the couch pillow. Yes, my house has a few guns that I hide for my safety because of the daring things I did.

"Are you back from a job or jobs?"

"Jobs..." He sighs and sits next to me looking tired.

"Dinner?" He shakes and lay down putting his head on my lap.

"Are you okay?" I asked him worried.

"Fine, Just tired..." he smiles. I just let him sleeps.

Jimin is a brother from another mother, he is always selfless towards me. Both of us were brought up by the streets, and we are each other family. Jimin is always the brave one when were kids. He is always ready to protect and because of him, we didn't starve to death.

In the old days, because of our looks, people often tried to use as a sex slave because they know nobody will come for them later since we are living the streets.

One day, a couple approach us, being nice by giving us food every day and some warmer clothing. A week, without fail they see us and make sure we were fine when finally they offered us to be their kids because they said they didn't have any.

We agreed because of their kindness and maybe hoping for a better life. But once we were taken inside their house, the heaven that we thought turn out to be hell.

They are selling kids as a sex slave and using the kids as sex workers or prostittute in short. People can buy the kids as sex slave or just sex service.

Disgusting pedophile...

I remember crying so hard when a man wants to have me means being separated from Jimin and that's when all hell happens, the starting point of Jimin career as an assassin and yes he had my blessings to be one because none of person he killed was innocent.

I still remember when he is going crazy when the so called father figure slap me because I refuse to go with the bald old man who wanted to buy me.

He killed 'our parents' and the client and free ourselves.

Here we are today, I am a prosecutor and he is an assassin but we are family.

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