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I woke up realising I am not in my room and this is not Jungkook's either. My bottom sting and sore and flashbacks of last night come flushing in turning me red as tomato cherry.
I need to use the toilet, nature call but I fell as soon as I stand. I never thought sex would hurt me like this but......the pleasure make it worth for me.

"Baby? Are you alright?"

"I think my bones turn into jelly." I hiss when Jungkook slowly lift me up.
"Toilet please..." He help me to the toilet and we take a shower together with another round of sex. You can't blame me when your boyfriend is hot like that.

Jungkook ordered a lot of food for brunch and we enjoyed it together.

"Yesterday, a women came to me. She wanted me to be her lawyer to sue you."

Jungkook gave me a questioning look.

"Her name was Madam Koo. She said you rape her daughter." Jungkook smirk.

"I'm sure you don't believe her, cause if you do--yesterday won't happen."
He said putting more food inside his mouth.

"Her body language told me she is lying and knowing you, her facts doesn't match." I shrugged.

"... But Jeon Jungkook you watch out, if I found out you're doing shit behind me. I'll cut your ball and push it down your throat." His face change knowing I'm serious--he took my hand in his.

"I love you Tae, everything about you. Especially your boldness--you always speak your mind well. A perfect Donna for me." He got me there.

"I love you too. You're my first love, my first man, my first kiss." I look deep into his eyes and the next moment we are kissing. Just a sweet slow kiss.

"If you received anything related to Madam Koo inform me right away. I'll be your lawyer."

"Of course baby and I know for sure that, you will win."

We left the hotel and head to the mall because I need to do some shopping and Jungkook is free to keep me company.

I pick up my custom made suit from my favourite tailor and Jungkook paid for them without me knowing amd and even I tried to repay him he ignored me saying he has the right to spoil his donna and I don't have the right to reject so I should remain silence.

He wins.

So my shopping spree begin from Gucci because why not?!

"Welcome Sir, may I be your assistance?" We were greeted when we enter the boutique.

"Yes, I would like to see your new design for both gender?" I said.

"This way, please." I follow the girl to the area where they display the new design at the center so it's noticeable even from outside.

A red look like coat or cardigan really  pull my attention and I show it to Jungkook.

When I show this to him Jungkook looks confused maybe because it's a women attire

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When I show this to him Jungkook looks confused maybe because it's a women attire. I rolls my eye. Men!

"I don't mind baby.. As long as you are happy." He said sincerely.

"Wait here." I took a sample to try on and get into the changing room.

Jungkook look surprise to see me once I walk out from the small room

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Jungkook look surprise to see me once I walk out from the small room.

"You are amazing! You look amazing! How can a cloth design for women look nice on you?!"

"So... Its good right. Take it?" I ask while looking at myself in the mirror.


"I have more... Wait." I said and dissappear again.

As I walk out Jungkook didn't notice me because the sales assistant is flirting with him by bringing him a drink but Jungkook only keep stern face

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As I walk out Jungkook didn't notice me because the sales assistant is flirting with him by bringing him a drink but Jungkook only keep stern face. "Get lost if you want to live." I heard him said that before the girl walk away in fear.

I approach him closer until Jungkook sees me and from the moment our eyes meet he remain silent but he is not sitting anymore but making his round on me looking up and down like I'm sort of prey for him.

Then he look over the mannequin who wear this outfit.

"How can you rock ladies cloth better than ladies

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"How can you rock ladies cloth better than ladies. Its like this cloth is force to change from ladies only to....Taehyung only."

"Take it?"

"I'll pay for it now."

Surprisingly when I finish changing and join him at the counter to see about 10 bags on the counter and Jungkook hand over an address to deliver those begs.

"Why so much?"

"Because you will wear more for me. I want to see more."

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