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"Tell me everything!"

"Oh my god! Park Jimin! You scared the shit out of me!"

I just walk out of the bathroom got startled by Jimin who is laying on my bed.

Jimin only rolls his eyes.

"My towel almost fall!"

"Like I haven't seen your ass."

I ignore him and put on PJs and join Jimin on the bed.

Jimin and I lay down on the bed started to play with Jimin's small hand.

"How was he? Did he make you happy? Is he being considerate or is he being a dictator? Did he make you feel offended? 1% per cent is enough for me to kill him."

Jimin is always protective and I felt love and secure because of that. Jimin is like that because he cares for me more than himself.

"Calm your tit, Chim!"

"For a day evaluation, he is a good man, not even 0.1% that I felt offended or unhappy. He even asks for tips from a little birdie right?"

Jimin snort.

"He literally asked my permission before taking you out, I feel like his future mother in law."

"So... What do you think about him? You know him better right? Tell me please..."

I beg him to tell me about Jungkook.

"Well you know he is in the mafia and he is the leader. As for the personality, he doesn't live his life like an animal, I didn't say he is a virgin or never have sex. Sometimes he had one night stands but rarely, you have to understand the needs of his release but never in a serious relationship for few years. Before you say you are a man too, well you are subs so it's different."

I slap his body for making me a sub which I believe is right because hell I'm still a virgin and Jimin made sure of that. I have never explored my sex desire but I have a muscle kink, I think.

"I like him..."

"I know...but take your time knowing him first..." Suddenly my phone rings. It's a video call from Jungkook and I answer it.

"Hei... Not sleep yet?" I said. Jungkook looks sexy with wet hair. He must have done with the shower.

"Just finish some work, how about you?" I'm trying to sit down on the bed.

"Nothing much, just watching movies while talking with Jimin." That's when   Jungkook faces change looking at something.

"What are you looking at?"

"Are you in your room?"


"Then who is that sleeping on your bed?"

I giggle at his almost threatening face.


"Jimin, you are sleeping together too?!"

I laugh at his shocked face. Then Jimin gets up when his name was being mentioned.

"What? Is there a problem?" Jimin was giving out a scary aura but It didn't affect Jungkook.

"Stop it you two!" I push Jimin aside.

"Kook let's have breakfast together tomorrow. Pick me up at 9 sharp. Okay?"

"Alright, see you tomorrow love."

I hung up with Kook and cuddle next to Jimin. Even though he has his room, we will sometimes sleep together because he knows how I like to cuddle.

I wake up in the morning only to find Jimin was gone. He must have left for the night jobs. He got a lot of jobs lately.

Jungkook fetch me up as promised, he took me to a cafe in some secluded area. He sure knows nice places like this.

We ordered our breakfast with coffee and hot chocolate for me and the pancake was very delicious. I ordered another plate of waffles and Jungkook enjoy making me fat.

Jungkook excuse himself and went to the toilet and that's when a waiter comes to me.

"Hey, there beautiful." I was enjoying the view of a small garden outside the cafe when he came.

"Excuse me, please leave."

"Don't be like that. How about you gave me a call la..." He is passing off.

"I don't want to call you and FYI asses like mine didn't talk to faces like yours."

"You slut!" Then suddenly he fell on the floor and Jungkook shiny black shoes on his cheek pressing his face on the floor.

"HOW DARE YOU!!" Jungkook pulls him by his collar and punches him in the face till he is black and blue with a broken nose.

I think she is the manager there who rush towards the commotion.

"Me Jeon, what happened?" She trembles.

"He insults my boyfriend! Fire him!"

"Of course Mr Jeon. I apologize for everything. Do you perhaps want to move to a different table?" She still trembles but politely try to handle the situation.

"It's okay, we are leaving. Thank you for the great food, I enjoyed it here if it is not for this." After saying that I left the table but she stops me.

"Please let me make it up to you. I just made a fresh red velvet cake and some fruit tart, if you would like to stay I will serve it to you."


"I'd love to!" I said as I look at Kook who got surprised them shake his head smiling.

She guides us to another table and serves us as promised with a new drink.

"I like it when you respond to the waiter when he tried to make a move on you."

I giggle, surprised that Jungkook witness that.

"It's Jimin who shape me like this. I wasn't always this confident Kook. If you know what I have been through with Jimin you would understand."

"What do you mean Love?"

"You don't think I didn't notice your subtle jealousy on Jimin? Don't be Kook or it will ruin you and us because over time and time again if you ask me to choose, I will choose Jimin."

He is surprised by my statement. I take a hold of his hand.

"We grew on the street as Oprah because we were sent to an abusive orphanage so we escaped and live on the street for a few months, eating whatever we can find. A couple took us in, as kids, we believe in them when they are being so nice turn up he only want to sell us as a sex slave.
That's when Jimin made his first kill. Jimin took a job as a pusher to make food for both of us where we live under the bridge. One thing led to another until Jimin became who he is now only to make sure I am safe and secure. Jimin is family like I told you before, our bond will never break, the love we have is innocent. If you can accept Jimin then we will be alright. That's the reason I ask you out for breakfast."

Jungkook remains quiet for a while but he didn't show any disagreement in his face until he smirks at me.

"What are we?" He asks me with his evil smirk.

Well, two can play the game.

"Friends, what else." I shrug and heard him growl.

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