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As I arrive at the restaurant, I thought I'm late but turn out I'm 15 minutes, early so I decided to wait in the car and get into the restaurant when it's time so I just relax and listen to music when I darkness takes me.

A knock wakes me up from my unplanned short nap. Opening my eyes to see Mr Jeon standing outside.  I quickly grab my phone and wallet and get out of my car.

How the hell did he know it's my car?!

"I'm sorry Mr Jeon. I..."

"It's Okay Mr Kim, maybe I shouldn't ask you for dinner. It's my fault."

"No..no..no..." I waive my hand left and right. "I want to repay your help so I would like to take you for dinner. I just got here early and I thought about waiting in the car until it's time but...." I smile sheepishly. "It's blackout all of sudden."

He laugh.

He laughs.

He looks....good.

"How about we go in now?"

"Sure," I said and he let me walk first like a gentleman and when I feel his hand barely touching my back just like a protective hand, I feel my face heating up.

"Good Evening Mr Jeon, your table is ready."

His hand still on my back walking me to a VIP table isolated in a room for more privacy.

We talk about a lot of things and I find myself enjoying his company. My first impression of him was totally wrong. At first, I thought he looks cold and none friendly at all but tonight everything changes.

We talk, we laugh.

The waitress serves our dessert and I never miss her eyes every time she serves us our meal. She is lucky this fine man in front of me is not my boyfriend or I will kill her myself or Jimin can do it for me.

"Do you need anything...." And I cut her off. "We are fine, Thank you." She starts to get on my nerve.

After she leaves Jungkook took a sip of his wine.


"Please call me Tae or Taehyung, Mr Jeon."

"Then, call me Jungkook, please."

I nodded in agreement.

"Tae, may I ask you, is Jimin your boyfriend?"

I laugh and he looks at me like I'm crazy.

"Chimmy? Why? Does he look like a boyfriend?"

"You seem very close, your body seems comfortable to each other. Honestly, I saw you guys the other day at the mall, anyone would think of you guys as lovers."

"I never thought that way but Chimmy can be overprotective of me because he loves me and I love him so much. Our relationship was beyond lovers or family. He is today was because he wants me to succeed. He is my best friends, my only family, my saviour. He sacrifices himself for me, he sacrifices his future for me. He gave me the life, I'm living right now. Jungkook, we know each other to the bone, our love is beyond and unbreakable."

I finish my speech very deep and soft. Jungkook look lost while looking at me in the eye but he snaps when I look away.

"It's beautiful of what you two are having. I wish I have someone like that too."

"Yes, it is....but to have sex with Chimmy is disgusting. Yuck!!!"

He laughed, again I make him laugh.

We spend the rest of our night together until it's time to go back.

"No, let me pay. I owe you Jungkook."

"Taehyung, I will pay for this one next one will be on you so that's mean you still owe me."

Does it mean he still wants to meet me again? Is he?

Taehyung! Why are you hoping to meet him again?

"Thank you again for dinner Jungkook, I enjoyed spending time with you."

"Let me." He said as he open my car door for me.

"See you next time. Bye."

"Bye Love..." He closes the door softly and I start my engine and head home.

Wait....he said, bye love...


He calls me love? Do I like it or I love it?

But...I'm happy right now. That's for sure.

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