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"Listen all Tigers! Today is finally the day! I officially announced, Jeon Jungkook as your leader and I will fully retire now."

A big clap and shout heard through out the hall as everyone is celebrating their boss officially appointed as the new leader.

"....and today, I officially introduce and announce to all of you, Your Donna that will help your leader in leading the mafia to a greater success.  I know some of you are aware of your boss love life but some of you don't. Please don't be alarm by his choice because I trust him and your leader trust him. Let me introduce to you Kim Taehyung!"

Taehyung and Jungkook stand and bow to their former leader. Jungkook is giving his speech that send shivers to his team and gain their utmost respect for him and Taehyung.

"Now, Jimin is officially in the team too since Taehyung is in." Said Jungkook. "I've been recruiting you for a long time but you never accept my proposal." He said like complaining.

"Even now I'm in... You need to know Jungkook, my loyalty stand with my Tae bear." Jimin said casually which shock Yonggi and and others except Jungkook and Jin who understands him very well.

"Chimmy! I love you!" Jungkook rools his eyes.

On the other hand, other still don't understand it and why Jungkook isn't mad at Jimin for saying that. Yonggi is still a bit puzzle by that but keep it to himself. He knows better not to make a fool of himself in front of others.

The event went well and everyone went back to their respective house. Jungkook want to take Taehyung with him but he insist on going back to his own house cause he miss sleeping with Jimin.

"No! I want to sleep with Chimmy tonight!" Taehyung said hugging Jimin arm.

"Fine, but I'll send you to work tomorrow alright?"

"Okey!" Taehyung reply happily and the best friend walk away happily.


Yonggi, Jungkook and Namjoon are discussing a protection plan for Taehyung since the announcement has been made. Even though, it is suppose to be keep secret by all members about their leaders, still they can't take things for granted.

"That's a good plan. Let proceed with that." Jungkook conclude the meeting.
"Namjoon hyung, please make a bracelet or anything that we can use to implant gps tracker inside it."

"Alright. I will take care of it." With that Namjoon left the office.

"Jungkook, what is going on between Jimin amd and Taehyung? The way they acted, I thought you are gonna get mad but it's the opposite." Jungkook is a bit surprise that Yonggi is still unaware about it.

"Jimin never told you anything?"
Yonggi remaib quiet.

"The first time I met them, I feel the same as you are. They seem so close like a couple but sometimes like best friends. I am already in love with Taehyung at that time so I ask Jimin and Taehyung and get the same answer. They share a special bond that go beyond best friends, families and lovers. You just have to accept that. Jimin is very protective of Taehyung, because he is no 1 in his life. "

Yonggi still a bit confuse.

"How can you trust them?"

"If Jimin want to 'sleep' with Taehyung he would have done it long ago but he didn't and Jimin is the one to help me to get Taehyung. If I'm going to quote Taehyung, he said having sex with Jimin would be disgusting." Jungkook laugh remembering his conversation with Taehyung.

"I don't know Kook, I don't how to trust them blindly like you do." He said a feeling frustrated.

"Because hyung, you didn't know their dark past. Jimin career today is to protect Taehyung. Why do you think Taehyung being a lawyer himself, and get involve with criminals like Jimin and us. Taehyung choice of career today is to protect Jimin." Jungkook get up from the meeting table to his desk.

"Trust them hyung, I'm sure when you understand Jimin you wouldn't worry anymore. Alert for you, hugging, cuddlling and kisses on cheek and forehead are common for them. Just don't get shock when you see them."

"WHAT?! FOR REAL?!" Jungkook laugh at his respond. "How can you laugh?"

"Because... Yes hyung they love each other. The type of love that will never break. But you have to know too, the love they share is innocent."

Yonggi start to understand what Jungkook meant.

"Thanks Kook, I get the hang of it. Maybe I need to get to know them better...but..I have another question. Are you sure they never slept together before you?" Jungkook sigh at Yonggi dumb question.

"Yes hyung because I am the one who took away his innocence." Jungkook rolls his eyes and left.

Months later.

Jungkook and Taehyung are on their first night living together. Jungkook finally manage to persuade Taehyung to move in with him and of course with Jimin and Yonggi permission.

Yonggi have come to understand his lover and even act as Taehyung father sometimes and giving Jungkook a hard time when he is as protective as Jimin.

The catch is, Jimin too move in to his place but Jimin will live in Yonggi room.

"Baby..." Jungkook and Taehyung are both on the bed getting ready to sleep after a tiring day of moving unpacking.

"Yes Kookie?"

"Tae, if you don't mind I'm asking for you to stay by my side forever. You are beautiful in every way and I fall in love with you every day my love. You bring me great happiness. I once thought that I don't deserve any of this and I should be grateful enough that my father treat me nicely whem I'm not his son. Then I'm being blessed by your presence in my life. I'm feeling greedy for more love and happiness. Baby, please never leave me?" Jungkook said kissing Taehyung forehead after his innocence request.

"Kookie, I will live you forever because like you, I have never dream this life but I'm glad I have you now. You are mt first love and my last one too." Taehyung caress Jungkook face gently and kiss his lips.

"I love you so much baby... So much.. I'll die if I'm going to lose you."

Jungkook and Taehyung are hugging each other before Taehyung fall asleep while hugging Jungkook and his head on Jungkook chest.

Jungkook is content and happy. He swear to always makes Taehyung happy because his happiness depend on Taehyung happiness.

~~~~The end~~~

Thank you to everyone whonread and support my work. I apologise for any mistakes as I'm still learning english because English is not my first language. In terms of writing too, I don't really have any knowledge on writing professionally so please understand.

My new story will be uo soon!

My new story will be uo soon!

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