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Taehyung :

Jimin told me that Jungkook is going crazy lookinhlg everywhere for him even though he already knew that I want to break up with him.

I knew that every time Jimin's phone rings, its Jungkook. How long can I do this? Hiding and running away. I can't do this forever so I must convince Jungkook about it.

After a few rings, he answered. How much I miss his voice, it is soothing for me.

"Baby.. Love... Please come back." After a deep breath, I say what needed to be said.

"Jungkook, I want break up with you because, it turn out I can't be your partner. It's too heavy and not to mention to be in danger constantly. You are the leader of the Tiger, to be your Donna, its too much of a burden for me so, please stop looking for me. I want to return and live my life again." Jungkook remains quite, I heard his breathing at the end of the line.

"That's not very convincing." After saying that he hung up and I cried again.

After saying all that, I'm sure he hate me so much. I love him so much! I don't think I can return to the same place he exists where my heart beats for him. I cried all night till darkness engulf me.

I woke up when I heard Jimin's voice. He is talking with someone but I don't think its Jungkook. I head feels heavy, headache. I got up to the bathroom and get a hot shower to relieve my stern neck muscle.

I got out with only a towel around my waist. "Put that on." Jimin point to the suit on the bed.

"Suit? Where are we going?"

"Just lunch at a very fancy restaurant,  and the is from your favourite designer. Its a present, I hope to make you feel better today."

"Chimmy....... You.. You don't.."

"I know what you are about to say, and please no more crying bear. You know I can't see you cry." I nodded and put on ths suit anyway. I decide to make Jimin happy today so I will follow his plans for me.

"Perfect! Take this pain killer for your headache." I swallow it without second thought.

"Wait here I need to change. 2 seconds." Jimin left to the closet and I decide to wait for him at the couch while watching the news. Its been few days since I cut off the outside workd from my life.

In seconds my eyes feel heavy and darkness again. Am I that sleepy or the headache?

It is still dark, Jungkook... I heard his voice in my dreams and I saw him walking towards me smiling and he kiss me. It feels heaven when his tongue invade my wet cavern, its feels good and it feels real.

Real?! I open my eyes to see Jungkook kissing me and I responded even in my sleep.

"Where am I?" I look around to see that I am at a restaurant and this is a private room. Jungkook looks calm but my neck is killing me and now I feel like killing Jimin. "I am taking drastic tic measures since your attempt to break up with me is nowhere near convincing."

"What do you mean by not convincing?" I look at him with fierce eyes.

"I know you well Kim Taehyung, you have no problems facing with anything that troubles you. You can speak your mind without hesitation but you can't even face me to tell me what's troubling you. Your phone calls was just excuses you created."

He see right through me.

What should I do?

You are a lawyer Kim Taehyung! Defend yourself!

I am about to say something when the door open and reveal an old man walk in and take a seat in front of Jungkook.

"Father." It's surprise me. What is he trying to do. This is the actual leader?

"Jungkook, how are you son?"

"I'm good, father."

"So, you  call me back from my vacation because you want me to meet the Donna you have chosen as your partner. I expect to see a woman." I gulp, I felt like choking of my own saliva.

"Father, since I declined all the marriage proposal you set for me. I thought it would be right for me to do my part. This is Kim Taehyung, he is a prosecutor and a lawyer. Even though he is man but he has strong morals and I fell in love with his strong will. He took nothing away from my pride and status as a man.  He suits me well to be a friend, a wife and a partner. There is nothing arguable about him to be the Donna of our group and his knowledge in law would be a great help to me. Father, I'm not asking you to accept him bit I want you to know that he will be in my life and will always stay by my side."

This is the first time I heard Jungkook speak his mind about our relationship and about me. I am touched by his words. In front of the leader he speak freely about what he wants, without hesitation. He thought so highly of me and here I am giving up and this is the drasric measure he talked about.

"Father, my name is Kim Taehyung, I will give all my support to Jungkook as a man. Please continue to support him to be the next leader."

Jungkook seems surprised when I continue his speech to seek the approval for our relationship. Its the least I could do for him, for us.

His father laugh and smile. He looks happy. Since the moment he entered he doesn't look scary and really have the fatherly vibe.

"I have no objection on your choice Jungkook. If he is the one you chose I'm fine with it because I trust you. Please continue to work hard for the group and Taehyung? Please support him all you can. Arrange your wedding as soon as possible. I need to leave, my plane is waiting for me. "

That's it?

It means... I'm officially Jungkook partner. A mafia wife?

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