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Apologies for the late update guys!


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Jimin just got back after sending Taehyung to Jungkook. He felt guilty for betrying his best friend but he also knows that Tae will suffer from being apart from Jungkook. On a different view, Jimin is grateful now Taehyung has a lover who can protect  him like Jimin did before. Instead of only Jimin as his family, now Taehyung has Jungkook too.

"How did it go?" Jimin called Jungkook for updates.

"Mission complete but now he is sulking after accepting me in front of my father." Then Jimin heard a shout in the background calling for him.

"SHORTY YOU TRAITOR! I'LL KICK YOUR ASS!" Jimin roll his eyes unbothered.

"He is officially my donna now." Jungkook continues.

"Congratulations... I assume you're not coming back?"

"He demand to go back to his house." Jimin sigh knowing exactly what is in Taehyung mind. He want revenge.

"Fine.. Do your best." Jimin hung up.

He don't want to be home where he has to hear Taehyung moan all night so he take his keys and head out.

"Hey hyung, are you free for a drink? I'm actually at a cafe near your hospital."

Jimin wait for Jin at the promised place with his and Jin drink ready with cakes.

"Surprise to see you here. Taehyung is back? Did Jungkook know?"

"Just got back from sending Taehyung to Jungkook where Jungkook introduce Tae to his father and tell him about their relationship and Taehyung surprisingly accept Jungkook love in front of his father and get his approval but now Taehyung is sulking."

Jimin explained in one breath. Jin chuckle feeling happy to hear the good news.


"Because I practically drag him back unconscious because of sleeping pills that I put in his drink. So now I am a traitor but who cares." Jimin retort after explaining.

"Everything is settled. But you are here not because of that, right?"

Jimin face change. Before the whole Taehyung thing incident he has his own dilemma but he put everything away and give all of his priority to Taehyung.


Jimin just finish his mission of taking lives when he decide to hang out at the club with hopes that the might encounter Yonggi or Hoseok to keep him company. He really enjoys the company of his new made friend.

Jimin enter the club and walk straight to the bar to order his drink but his leg stop when he saw Hoseok and Yonggi kissing. Pain... That's all he feel. His eyes stuck on the scene where Hoseok back is facing him and Yonggi is facing Jimin. Yonggi surprised to see Jimin there and let go of Hoseok to call him but Jimin left the club ang and go straight home where he found Taehyung packing stuff into his car.

"I.... I..don't know where to start."

"Yonggi told me everything." Jin said.
"He went crazy after you left with Taehyung."

Jin's word means nothing to Jimin because he sees the truth with his eyes. Yonggi never confess his feelings directly but subtle hints every now and then but Jimin never responded because he was waiting for Yonggi to officially confess because he is scared if he mistook it of something else.

The thing he is scared of has come into reality.

Yonggi constant calling while he is away confuse Jimin but he choose to ignore him.

"You know.... Yonggi and Hoseok was never in a serious relationship. They kiss, have sex but that's all to it. Love was never in the picture. It all started when they were both drunk snd things happened from there."

Jin explain to Jimin but Jimin is not convinced.

"I don't care hyung, he can so what he want because this is all my mistake for thinking that he liked me." Jimin feels down and embarrassed.

"He like you Jimin." 

"I think you misunderstood too hyung. If he like me, he won't be kissing other people or maybe he change his mind about liking me."

Jimin only look down at his cup. He didn't even drink just his finger playing with the holder.

"Maybe there is love between them, they just didn't realise it yet and now they do so I don't want to be the third person who destroy their new found loveband and I don't need his sorry too."

Jin smile looking at Jimin acting all tough thinking he is doing the right thing.

Jimin is still playing with his cup without drinking it and Jin excuse him self to go to the toilet.

Jimin is dejected and ashamed too. How. Can he face them both later?

"Why are you so stupid Jimin? You think he love you..."

"I do...." A change of a voice shock him when Yonggi took Jin's place.

Jimin is shock, he didn't expect for Yonggi to take Jin place.

"Please... Listen to me first before you decide to walk away." Its like Yonggi knew what Jimin is thinking.

Jimin kept quiet and Yonggi take it as a sign to continue.

"The day you saw me and Hoseok, its all a big misunderstanding. Hoseok wanted to make a man he recently fall in love with feel jealous so he kiss me and I never thought things turn out this way. Me and Hoseok, there is never love between us, trust me and you are not a third person and this is not some love triangle drama! Shit! Because of Hoseok fucking bastard you left me thinking I love him! I LOVE YOU!"

Jimin eye Yonggi who is currently cursing with Hoseok name in between because he didn't want to help explain things to Jimin.

"You love me?"

Yonggi look up into the brown eyes he love so much. He stood up and kneel next to Jimin seat and took his hand.

"I Love You. Will you be my boyfriend?"

Jimin have tears in his eyes. He can't believe any of these right now.but je don't care and follow his heart desire.

"I'd love too."

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