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"Why do you want to meet me?" An old man around his 50s looks so concerned.

"I need your help." Jungkook chuckled at his request because this old man is known to be very arrogant and to see he is almost begging on his knees make the sight more meaningful.


"Kim Taehyung."

"The prosecutor?" Jungkook looks questioning. "What did you do?"

"What do you mean?!" The old man sounds furious at Jungkook feedback.

"I heard about him, but I also notice his way of doing his job. He never interferes in underground business unless you mess with someone free will." I look at him and I know I'm right from his eyes.

"So what did you do to make him on your tail?"

He maintains his silence and it irritates me and I know he won't tell.

"What do you expect me to do?"

"You are the most powerful mafia now, I bet he won't dare to go after you. Threat him to stay away or just kill him." This old man is stupid.

He pissed me off. I stand up from my sit and look down at him.
"He is not my problem! Deal with him yourself. Now get lost!"

I took my phone and dial a number.


"Do you know why the prosecutor is after Dong Yup?" I heard a chuckle at the end of the line.

"I assume he asked for your help?"


"Are you going?"

"I told him to settle his shit. So are you gonna tell me?"

"He is a pedo. He rapes girls, not lady not woman but girls and throws them at the roadside after he is done. That's why he is after him."

It is not very shocking to me because they are all criminal but to do it to young girls when they can have any prostitutes is making me angry and more pissed than before. He thinks he can come to me and order me to help him with this kind of crime.... unbelievable.


"Witness but too scared to come forward. I believe he threatened them too. "

"Do you know the prosecutor? I'd like to help him to get Dong Yup."

"Matter of fact, I did."

"Good, deliver my goodwill and if he agrees we can meet. Bye. "

Meeting Dong Yup at my club is my last meeting so I take a sip of my drink and watch over the dance floor where people drown in their sweat and music. Drugs are making them feel it more.

I see lustful eyes looking my way seducing me with their eyes and body.  They move their half-naked body sexily with a purpose to seduce me.

What they don't know is I hate to buy anything cheap or free so there is no way I will even let them come close to me.

"Hello, boss."

"RM Hyung, what are you doing here?"

"I went for a walk but then I feel like having a drink or two." I nodded.

RM Hyung is my planner, also my right-hand man. I offered him to work with me when the special force army forced him with honourable discharge during a mission.

He never told anyone what happen but he believes he is doing the right thing and knowing his life principles I believe in him to help me run the mafia as my right-hand man.

"You are planning for the weapons project right?" He sits across from me and takes a sip of his drink.

"That and another two missions."

"Wow... Did I put too much work on you Hyung?" I always have a soft spot for a few people around me, like him and Jin.

They are the few people to who I show my heart when others believe I'm heartless.

"No... I'm fine. You know how perfectionist I can get in every plan I make." He chuckles at his statement. "One plan is never enough for me."

"That's why I like your work Hyung. Your plan always flawless and the success rate is very high. "

"Thanks, Boss."

"Please Hyung. Stop calling me boss. "

Our conversations were interrupted when Jin crash in.

"Hey, how old are you?" Jin casually asks RM.

"33" When RM answers him, he looks back at me with hands-on his hip.

"I am 34 you never call me Hyung!" Jin lashes out at me.

"Sit down Jin HYUNG. Are you drunk?"

He's happy to finally get me to call him that.

He sits next to me and had my drink.

"Sorry RM hyung, this is my brother."
As soon as I said that Jin was quick to put out his hand.

"Kim Seokjin. You are?"

"Kim Namjoon, but Kim? Boss is Jeon." I'm questioned.

"This stupid is my brother from different parent got a problem with that?" I roll my eyes at his statement.

"No. I apologize."

"It's okay, this stupid will be your brother in law soon so get ready."


RM Hyung got shocked at Jin's boldness but I know both of them are attracted to each other.

Mafia's Prosecutor LoverWhere stories live. Discover now