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I received another client, asking me to kill a woman. Well, that's rare but when I go through her profile, she is the leader of a prostitution ring that forces the ladies to be a prostitute. She kidnaps and threatened them and not only that she also drug the ladies.

So..here I am, acting as one of her clients because I need to investigate if the profile is true because I don't want to accidentally take the life of innocent people.

The claim was right so I will proceed to accept the job.

My client needs to be transparent about their identity and payments must be done before the job.

"Who are you?"

"You don't have to know." I waited for her inside her room.

"Wh......what do...you..." She gasped when suddenly I place my gun on her chest.

"I am 'baby'," I speak slowly and her eyes widen means he heard of my name but no one saw my face and lived.

I shoot her right after that because I'm not the one to play with my victim before killing them. Only sick people do that.

After making sure there is no trace of evidence about me there I escaped the place quietly and gone home.

After every kill, I will inform Taetae about the victim's name so he will cover for me in case if I'm being careless.

I got home to see he is already home which is rare actually but I'm glad.

I woke up to find myself on the couch with a blanket covering my body and the smell of blueberry pancake.

"Morning Tae." Giving him a back hug and a kiss on his cheek. Both of us are just that domestic but we both know it's not romantic love but pure love where the word divorce or breaking up doesn't imply in our relationship.

"Morning chim." His smile is all I need to feel happy and secured.

"It's been long since I get to taste your cooking! Quick! I'm hungry!"

"Nonsense! I made dinner last weekend!" He protests with a long pout. "Yes, Tae... I was just teasing you. You baby bear!" Ruffling his hair to a cute mess but he didn't mind.

He is a fierce prosecutor to the outside world but only with me, he turns into a Tae bear.

He had overcome his weakness and fear while growing up and nothing more important to me than to see him safe and happy.

"Chim... Do you know anything about 'The Tiger'?"

" Again Tae? I told you, that group movements are very quiet. It's almost impossible to find out about their top circle. What's the case this time?"

We are having blueberries pancakes with honey tea.

"Just another dead person inside the Tiger mafia territory."

"I don't think it's them because it doesn't match the way they work. When The Wolf kills anyone, nothing was left behind to be found." I said and take a sip of tea.

"oh well..doesn't matter to me because they never really mess with me and I heard they run their underworld very well without messing with innocent people."

"You are right about that, that's what I know too but for your information, they are on the top of the food chains of the underworld worldwide. "

Tea nodded and we continue our breakfast with a small chat and big laugh.

Mafia's Prosecutor LoverWhere stories live. Discover now