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After a hot make-out session inside the suite, we decide to go home I realise something.

Jeon Jungkook is addictive. I almost gave everything to him tonight.

He is my first kiss, my first make-out session, my first time to fell in love with, the first who make me feel like a man.

He sends me home and before I step out of his car, Jungkook initiates another make-out session before Jimin knock on the window that startles both of us.

He is good at being a cockblock.

"Yes, mom!" I said as I step out of the car and Jimin roll his eyes.

"I expect you to act mature Jungkook, and here you are sucking on each other in public. This child...well only a baby you can't expect anything from him."

"Chimmy!" I stomp my feet in protest for calling me a baby.

"I can't believe you are the great prosecutor," Jimin mumbles still loid enough for me.

"Well, guys... I'll go first. Good Night baby, I'll call you tomorrow ok?"

Jungkook kiss my forehead as a goodbye before leaving.

I fell asleep immediately after taking a hot shower and of course Jimin next to me. I have never felt this happy before.


Hyun greeted me as I arrive at the court.

"Everything ready?" I asked him while we talk our walk to the courtroom.

"Yes, Mr Kim."

"Good." As we approach, some old bastard makes his way to me.

"Hello there beautiful, please go easy on me today." He said.

"Mr Ken, please tell your client to avoid talking to me," I said not looking at the old man. Ken doesn't seem comfortable telling off his client because he is a powerful man but a bastard too.

This old man is standing close to me but I didn't even move a little. It's how Jimin trained me, not to show weakness.

"Be mine and I gave you everything." He whispers in my ear. Is he trying to be seductive? I only feel disgusting.

I turn my face and speak back in a lower tone.

"get lost disgusting old man."

With that, I walk away and get into the courtroom with Hyun. Since this is quite a big case, I need hyun to help me in the court.

The first trial going on smoothly and I manage to keep him on the hook, where I gey to convince and judges that he is the main suspect for this murder case until I gather more hard evidence.

The court is tense, Mr Ken tried to keep calm amd prove his client otherwise but it's not working--I can see that he is going crazy inside but the old bastard Mr Lee play his role well when he acted like this is all a setup to get to him.

The court adjourns and the case will enter the courtroom again at another date. This man is known to play dirty to get what he wants. Power and money is his greed, he'll do anything to get them and the worst part is, it's never enough for him.

"Hyun, are you driving?"

"No, Mr Kim."

"Ride with me then."

"Thank You."

Hyun has been my assistant for 1 year but he is always so formal and strict. That's why I prefer him as my assistant however, it feels kind of wrong when I don't even know anything about him.

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