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"Hei Kook! Tea! Kook is here!"
Jungkook was a bit shock when Jimin open the door. He didn't expect that they live together.

"You live here?" He asks Jimin.

"Yes. Come in." Jungkook step inside the house and Jimin look like he is ready to leave somewhere when he grabbed his jacket and keys before that he has things to tell Jungkook.

"I know you are not the type to play around but as cliche, as it sounds, let me warn you. Just a drop of tear, I'll kill you myself. You are not the first one who tried and if I have to kill you, ain't the first one either."

Jungkook could feel Jimin killer aura and he knows Jimin is not playing.

"Baby!! I'm leaving!" Jimin shout and Kook's eye widen.

"Just how many nicknames he has for him?" He speaks lowly.

Tae appears from his bedroom door looking beautiful Jungkook can't pull his eyes to look away.

"You have a job?" Tea asks and Jimin walks to him.

"The usual. Have fun and be safe."

"Yes, Mom." Tae rolls his eyes. Tae kiss Jimin cheek and Jimin did the same.

With that Jimin left and leaving Jungkook stunned by their action. If not because he has confirmed the relationship the two have he wouldn't believe that they are not a couple.

"Hey... Sorry, we are just loud."
Tae smiled sheepishly.

"It's okay. This is for you." Jungkook shows the flower to Taehyung.

"It's pretty. Thank You. Let's go?" 

Taehyung locks the house and ready to leave but when he saw the car he turns to Jungkook.

"Are you driving today?"

"Of course." Jungkook smiles brightly and opens the door for Taehyung.

"Where are we going?" Tae asked after a few minutes they left the house.

"Let me surprise you if you don't mind. But if you have a place you want to go to just tell me."

Tae nodded his head with a big smile on his face. S

"Did you had your breakfast? If you are hungry we can go for lunch way."

"I had breakfast, Chimmy turned to make breakfast."

"Jimin? Cook?" Jungkook laughs not believing that Jimin can cook.

The ride is filled with small talk and tease. Smile is always on their face. Both of them can feel the pull they have on each other but for now, they want to wait.

Jungkook stops his car at an art exhibition and Taehyung is very happy he can't believe it.

"How?" Tae is so happy he can't close his mouth.

"A little birdie might give me some tips."

"I tried to get tickets but it sold out. How did y... Of course, your connection"

"So I was right on choosing Vincent Van Gogh? You like him?"

"Love it!! Let's go."

Both of them enjoys their time at the art exhibition. Taehyung is taking his time appreciating each artwork. On the other hand, Jungkook enjoys the fascinated look Taehyung shows.

2 hours they are at the art exhibition and Taehyung was so drawn to the art he sometimes forgot that Jungkook was with him. However, he admires Jungkook for being patient waiting for him without a complaint. Jungkook let him have his space while he enjoys the art.

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