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Disclaimer: I don't know a thing about being a lawyer or prosecutor.


"Hyun, manage the interns and place each person with a senior lawyer. I want the intern to make a report every day about a case their senior is handling."

I give instructions to my assistance so he can be can assist me to lessen my workload.

"Yes, Mr Kim." After saying thank you, Hyun leaves my office to his and I continue on my work about the girl that has been raped by some stupid mafia who think they rule the world. Not under my watch!

It pisses me off so much when the witnesses refuse to testify in the courtroom. I need to do something about this. How can I make them feel secure? They didn't even trust the police to be in the witness protection program.

I guarantee that the fuckers will go in if they testify but then they said his family might come for them. If only I have the power...

"Are you late tonight?" I answer Jimin call.

" Not really, I'll be home around 8."

"Alright, bye bear."

"Later Chim."

A knock on the door diverts my attention from the phone call.

"Come in."

"Sir, I need your approval for these documents."  An intern makes his way in hand the documents for Jungkook to sign.

"Under whose guidance are you?"

"Mr Lee Teuk."

"He is a good lawyer, learn a lot from him."

"Of course Sir. Thank You."

After handing back the documents he dismisses the intern. Not long after another knock his assistant shows up.

"Mr Kim, this is the paperwork for your court case today." He put it on my table and I go through every page.

"I'm going home after that so please make sure all the necessary document are collected and the interns' report too."

"Yes, Mr Kim."

The situation in court is very intense. I did my best to prove Doing Yup guilty for the charges against him. The court is filled with men who I know came from his gang to intimidate me but hell no ain't working.

Again today not enough evidence so the case will be brought to the court again on a later date.

I was walking to my car when my body was pushed harshly by Dong Yup's men. My body was held against the car and the smirk on his face automatically bring my feet to his now broken and bleeding nose.

"BASTARD!" A nod he gave to the ugly man beside him makes me understood his intention. It is either to get me hurt or to kill me.

My body is held strongly by 2 men and the one beside Dong Yup is holding a knife.

"You would make a good slut. What a waste of this pretty face. It's true what they said, any men would turn gay for you." Dong Yup disgusting hand caressing my cheeks and suddenly a harsh slap.

"Even a slut can't get turn on by your shitty face and Small sick that you have to turn into a pedo for smaller holes," I smirk looking at his pissed off face by my statement but I don't know why I did that when I'm supposed to escape.

The man with the knife march forward and ready to stab me when someone kicks him that make him grunt on the dirt.

"Get lost!"

The look on their face changes to scared and leave immediately. Based on that I can conclude he is someone influential in the underground world.

"Are you alright?" Showing his nice smile.

"I'm alright, thank you so much for helping."

"Why are they attacking you? If you don't mind I'm asking."

"I'm a prosecutor who will put their asses in jail for raping a child."

"I see... I wish you luck then. I have to go.. see you..." With that, he left and I get in the car wondering who he is. I didn't even get a name.

I drove home and meet with Jimin sleeping on a couch with his mouth slightly open.

I get into my room and get a refreshing shower.

"Took you too long in there."

I am startled by Jimin playing with his phone on my bed.


He giggles and I feel like I just lost 5 years of my age.

"Rilex... Any progress on Dong Yup case?"

"No, and that bastard tried to kill me today."

"HE WHAT?!!! I'll murder him myself!!" Jimin turns into sweet giggling Chimmy into the assassin. His killing aura dark and scary.

"You can after I manage to put him behind bars. I want revenge on my own too."

"Fine, I'll kill him after you are done doing your things. By the way, someone offers to help you to get Dong Yup. Before you ask more, I don't know what can he is some big shot in the underground and hate Dong Yup way of doing business. If you are interested, I'll take you to him tonight."

"How do you know this person?"

"My regular."

"Fine, let's go. Let me get change."

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