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Jimin sits alone at the bar after finishing his job of taking lives. He will always go home to Taehyung for comfort but he can't, not that Taehyung didn't want to but Taehyung texted him saying he will be late because he went for dinner with Jungkook.

Man and woman approach him for a drink but he always declines it politely. Jimin didn't always believe when Taehyung said he is a beautiful man but tonight he feels like it may be true.

"Are you okay Jimin?" Jaehun the bartender asked him.

"Fine, just bored."

"You have a lot of invitation dude but you reject them all!"

"You know me, Jay..."

"Yeah, I know you and because of that, I been declining those drink invitation for you. They are a lot man!!"

Jimin chuckle.

"Thanks, Jay."

"Are you going to be alone all night or looking?"

But before Jimin could answer, a tall man approaches him.

"Hello there beautiful." The man leaned his body at the bar and Jimin just roll his eyes

When Jimin didn't respond the man tried harder.

"I have a table in the VIP section. Maybe you would like to join me there? You don't belong here, princess." Jimin feels like punching this man on his face but he didn't want to make a scene at Jungkook club.

"Baby..." Suddenly another man approaches him by holding his waist and he knows exactly who it was.

"Sorry, I'm late." Taehyung purr.

"It's okay. Let's just..." Jimin was about to leave with him assuming Jungkook is here somewhere but the other man yanks Taehyung by his hand.

"YOU FAG!!" Taehyung almost fell on the floor if it is not for Jungkook to help him on time.

Jungkook sees red but Jimin is furious too. Before Jungkook could do anything Jimin kick him and straddle him only to throw punches on his face.

"Jimin!! Enough!!" Taehyung pull Jimin by his arm and took him away amd Jungkook order his men to remove that man from the club.

Jungkook follows them to a private area only for the gang members.

"Calm your ass down Jimin! Your tempered ass need some help!"

Jungkook sits next to Taehyung and he still wonders about the relationship these two were sharing however he can respect it now. Jimin is like a protective brother to Taehyung, Jungkook only takes it that way.

"Compared to your weak ass!" Jimin sass back.

"Well, you love this weak ass anyway."

"Go to hell with your weak ass," Jimin mumble lowly but still can be heard.

"You will accompany my weak ass right?" Taehyung said like a plea.

"Can both of you stop talking about asses? I'm not comfortable here." Jungkook said while fixing his tie.

Taehyung chuckle.

"I pity you for having to live with his weak ass," Jimin said.

"Well...he will love my round ass. You'll see..." Taehyung sass back in seducing tone and Jungkook starts to shift in his seat.

"Yeah. It's round and heavy!"


Jimin and Taehyung laugh at the same time, that's the moment he realises that they are teasing him.

Jungkook shake his head and happy to see Taehyung happy face, laughing with no care. Looking at Taehyung's face has been his new habit. He feels happiness just by seeing Taehyung.

Jungkook's man texts him about the man who harras Jimin and Taehyung before asking him either to let go or to keep. Jungkook answer was to keep them in the basement because even if he let him go, Jimin will surely find him again and kill him so might as well he save all the hard work.

"Kook, it's getting late, I'll go home with Chimmy."

"Ok love. Bye.." Taehyung wave goodbye while dragging Jimin away.

Jungkook phone buzz with a text from Jimin.

Jimin: I will visit that bastard. Don't kill him yet.

Jungkook: I know.

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