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"Hey, Kook."

"Hey, Jim...wait a sec. I'm almost done here."

Jungkook calls me for a meeting about a new job but usually, the details and instructions will be sent through the mail. It's a rare occasion for him to call me to his office.

I remember the first time he hired me for a job. It was a few years back when he unofficially took over as the leader of the Tiger Mafia. He wants me to kill a whole gang of a mafia because they always kill innocent peoples including children. Even as a crime lord who is famous for his stone-cold action, Jungkook is a man of principle.

He always said being a mafia doesn't mean you have to turn into animals. Because for him at the end of the day, there are always people around him who aren't involved in the mafia that he cares about and he doesn't them to be a victim.

A knock on the door took me out of memory lane and when a pale white man enters the room without noticing me on the couch.

His pale skin looks good on him with his black hair that complements his skin.


My groin is twitching. SHIT!!

"...min..." I was lost in thoughts when Jungkook calls my name.


"Yes? Sorry.."

"Let me introduce you to Yonggi, my close circle."

"He is Jimin, the assassin that the whole underground feared. Don't let his baby face fool you."

I groan at Jungkook statement, sending him a glare.

So..his name is Yonggi.

"Hey... Nice to meet you.." Excitement builds up in me.

"Me too, sorry but I have to go."

He left after he shook my hand leaving me dumbfounded.

"Sorry, Yonggi is not good at socialising."

"I'm fine though I thought he hates me in the first place." I sit back looking at Jungkook picking up a few files. before dumping it up on me.

I need your help with this.

I look through the file and this time the target is a high ranking people in politics. For Jungkook, I never really ask why they wanted these people to die because he would never involve an innocent and I know politicians. They are power deprived and very very evil more than the people been put in prison.

"Noted. I'll settle it has sent you the proof. By the way, Kook, thank you for helping Tae with Dong Yup case. He is done for this and more of his crime will be opened because Tae plans to bring the whole group down."

"No worries, Dong Yup has been on my list for a long time. Mr Kim is doing me a favour."

"Kook, Can you tell me if Yonggi likes man?"

Jungkook smirk. An evil smirk.

"He is....bisexual."


"Not that I know. Only one nightstand once in a while."

"Where did he always hang out?"

"Jimin? I thought Mr Kim is your boyfriend?

"Well, he is not. There are times when I acted as one to protect him."

"You are very close and he even knows you are an assassin when he is a prosecutor himself." Jungkook takes his sit in front of me. If my judgement is right this mafia boss like him.

"We go way back Kook, way way back."

"How long is way back?"

"Babies practically. Growing up is not a beautiful experience for both of us. Maybe one day Kook, you'll know. But the main point is that Bear is not my lover but my brother and the most important person for me."

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