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"Taetae.... Wake up!" Jimin loud and annoying voice woke me up.

"Yea..." Lazily I get up and get ready for work.

After the incident before, Jimin is being protective where he will drop me off and and pick me up from work everyday except if he has work then Jungkook will do it.

"Breakfast?" I ask Jimin aka mom.

"We'll eat outside today. Let's go." Jimin grab the car key and both of us go to the cafe near my office.

I ordered pancake with strawberry syrup and Jimin only drink coffee.

"Jimin? How long are you going to do THIS? I'm not a baby you know..."

"I don't know. I know you can take care of yourself but the truth is doing this is more of to help me feel better when I know you're safe. Just hang in there... Please..." Jimin always know what to say.

Now I can't protest to get back to my old routine. I have to give in when Jimin is using that strategy. He knows me too well.

"Morning Mr Kim."

"Morning Hyun." He followed me inside my room.

"I have Madam Koo here, she wants you to be her lawyer because she wanted to sue someone." Hyun briefly explain to me and give me her file.

"Call her in." Hyun left and then a middle aged lady walk in. From the first impressions I have already make my judgements on her.

She walk in with design clothing, so she must be rich--the 1st reason to reject her.

She has the rich people attitude and I know she is criticising my office room from they way she is looking around with the expression she made.

Can't this day get any worst?

"Please sit down. How can I help you Madam?"

"I want to sue Jeon Jungkook." well it is getting worst.

I keep a straight face and laid back to my chair. She thinks she can give orders to me? Hell no.

"For what reason? To sue must came with a valid reason." I asked with crossing arms. I hate it when people acted like they are superior than me.

"He...he..." what the hell is wrong with this lady. Is she trying to make things up?

"Don't waste my time if you don't have enough reason or proof." I said sternly.


Well...that's shocking to know he can get it up for a vagina hole.

"Do you have any proof?"

"Isn't that your job to find out and prove that he is guilty in the court. I'll pay any amount you want!"

The way she said it and her body language--I know she is lying about her daughter being rape by Jungkook.

"How much money do you have? I want it all. Can you do it?" Her eyes went wide, face turn angry.

"Are you crazy..." she said but I cut her off.

"Listen to me old lady, if I am going to be a lawyer in a case, I need to know the whole truth. If you are lying then, I will make sure, I'll bring the jail to you. Don't think you can come here, throw your money and I'll be your puppet." I said darkly.

She starts to fidget when she realise that I can't be bought with money and she left my room immediately.

"What happened Mr Kim?"

"She only want revenge I guess by slandering others."

Hyun nodded understand and left to his work. Things like this happened a lot of time and I am not the type of lawyer to do it without valid reason.

Well the nerve of her to say things like that about Jungkook. Now that she failed to get me, I'm sure she'll go for 2nd best in the country.

Hyun and me left for court later in the afternoon to continue the case on Mr Lee and I have been working hard to prove that he is guilty for the murder of his own brother.

The chances of winning is greater and he will fall soon but I expected him to play dirty so I am prepared.

Jimim pick me up after I'm done.

"Where to?"

"Jungkook's office." I said.

"I will just drop you there. Got to meet some people." Jimin said calmly.

"Be careful ok?" Suddenly I got worried. It happen some time where I would get anxiety when Jimin would leave for work.

I hold his hand and he grip my hand tight and secure.

"I won't leave you Taetae. I'll always return."

I kiss Jimjn cheek before I get off the car and head to Jungkook's building. The guard and frontdesk are aware of me so they let me in.

As I approached his office, the assistant lady who was always there replaced by another lady who I don't recognise and look like he is not informed about me either.

"Can I help you?" she said slurring in her words and I notice how she purposely pull her her shirt like she is fixing but she is actually exposing her cleavage.

"I'm here to see Mr Jeon."

"Do you have an appointment?"

"Apologies beautiful but no he just personally asked me to come and deliver his coffee." I said sweetly, she blushed at it.

"Mr Jeon is in a meeting..."

"Its okay... I know..."

"See you later beautiful."

I knock and enter to see Jungkook is in a serious meeting with a woman and his head is looking down to the document reading it.

As I walking closer he lift up his head to see me and the stern face smile immediately.

"Busy? I have coffee for you."

"Almost finish. Jane, tell your boss that he needs to see me." The woman look at me with a smirk on her face.

I stand closer behind Jungkook and soft massaging his shoulder and Jungkook place his hand on mine. The woman is obviously shocked but she recover it quickly.

Jungkook hand her the documents and told he to leave.

Jungkook pull me to sit on his lap.

"Tell me one thing Mr Jeon. Do this people know that you are bi?"

"I'm not sure. I never announced my sexuality but never tried to hide it either."

The smirk on his face tell me he knows what is inside me right now.

"Are you jealous?"

"Yes and I almost kill that bitch just now."

Then he landed his lips on mine and the kiss was rough and sexy, tongue on tongue, it is full of lust and need--I want it now.

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