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It's almost time to call it a day. Today has been extremely exhausting but I won 2 cases today so its satisfying. Tired and hungry at the same time l, can't it get any worse?

Jungkook is not in town so I guess take out and go home would be best. Since we were together, I'm no longer used of eating alone outside.

I'm almost done with packing to go home when there's a knock on my door which got me feeling confuse because I don't have any other appointments for today my assistant was not in.

"Come in." A man about my age walk in.

"Mr. Kim Taehyung?" I noded with a not so friendly face.

"Sorry for disturbing you but may I have a talk with you?" Something is wrong with this guy.

"About what?" This man is all smiley but I can see his  bad intentions.

"About Jeon Jungkook." well, I didn't expect that but I at least expected to be not about asking me to be his prosecutor.

"I'm listening."

"I am Kim Young, cousins with Kim Seokjin. I have a younger sister Kim Yoona and he is head over heals to Jungkook. You see, Jungkook is the next leader chosen by our uncle because he trust him even though he is not family."

"Wait...wait..why are you telling me your family history right now?" I stopped him there.

"Let me get straight to the point, severe all your relationship with Jungkook because my uncle won't approve you. My sister loves Jungkook and would be the right partner for him. After knowing Jungkook is in a relationship with a man who is a prosecutor, I find it funny myself. I'm sure he knew the leader of The Tiger Mafia won't approve this but he won't say anything to you."

This news got me shock but I keep my calm. I still sit lookong straight into his eyes. Then he pull out a white envelop and put it on the table.

"What's this?"

"Money just as formality when I ask you to break up with Jungkook."

"I feel offended."

"I apologise, I'll take my leave now but please think about what I say. Jungkook won't go against the person who raise him. He respect my uncle."

I feel blank, I don't know what to think. It's not about if the bastard want Jungkook as his brother in law but about the leader who will reject us. I know Jungkook loves me, his ego will make him turn to be with me but what about his future. This is the reason Jungkook won't say anything to me. I know him well in this few months. How his aura change from mafia leaders and lover when he is with me. 

What shocking is he is the leader for The Tiger?! I never knew! He never tell! Well... I never ask because we rarely talk about work.

As a the future of a powerful group, what he said about the leader to reject our relationship might be real.
It means.....

I'm crying...shit!

I packed my stuff, I need to be away from him or I won't be able to resist him when he return.

I'm packing my stuff into the trunk when Jimin reach home.

"hey.... Where are you going?" Jimin pull my hand and he saw my crying face. "WHY ARE YOU CRYING?"

"I need to leave for a while. I have too." I cry even more after saying that, leaving Jungkook means to be apart from Jimin too. "I'm going with you. I'll drive. Wait inside, I'll lock the door."

At first I didn't believe what he said and how he decide it in few seconds but if I were him, I would do the same.

Everything seems blurr, Jimin was driving for few hours I believe, we didn't talk a word. Jimin didn't ask anything. Now.. We are in a house or a resort or beach house?

Jimin walk me to the bed and the next thing... Darkness.

I woke up to the sound of a bell, its bright outside. It took me a moment to remember what happened then it hit me again.

"You're up bear? Let's eat. You must be hungry."

Jimin hug me and kiss my forehead. I don't know what would I do without him. He sacrificed so much for me.

Mafia's Prosecutor LoverWhere stories live. Discover now