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"Baby, I have some work to settle at the club. Do you mind coming along?"

It's Sunday and I have been on a date with my love since morning. We went for breakfast, some shopping, movies and right after lunch, the manager called me in for some urgent matters that I need to attend.

"How long will it take?"

"Couple hours?"

"No problem, I'll just stay in your office...you do have your own office or private area right?" I can feel tense for a while. I know that Taehyung is not very comfortable in a crowd like that.

"I do baby. No worries."

As I am going to enter the club, I pull Taehyung by his waist and keep it there--a lot of eagle eyes are watching. The club is not open yet because the sun is still up but the workers are already there getting the club ready to receive crowds.

I have never been seen like this with someone, it is always someone nightstand that won't get to stay with me longer than 5 hours.

"Love, this is my office and it will be lock from outside. Only I can access the room and you can always open the door from the inside. If you decide to walk out or get a drink from the VIP area where we first met, the password is your birthday. You can use my computer if you want."

"Okay mother bird, just go. I'll manage." This guy, lucky I love you.

"I'll be back." I'm about to turn when he grabbed my arms.

"Be back soon okay?" I can see his plea through his eyes.

"Sure, don't go out if you're uncomfortable."

With that, I left to settle some works that need my attention urgently. I don't feel good leaving him alone but I am also not very fond of putting him on the show as my boyfriend.

I entered another room to find a bloody man on his knees, then I saw some kind of white powder in a small packet on the table.

"Which group?"

"Black Moon." The captured one answer.

"Did your boss told you to sell your drug here or you are just fools who don't know the rules. "

His answer angers me but I didn't show it. "So, it's your boss who is a fool for testing the water here."

I then turn to Suga who is also present in the room as he is the one who captured that fool. "Black Moon?" I ask him as it's a name I have never heard before. "A new group?"

"Black Moon was established long ago but never gain any attention and the former leader is a coward that leads to the downfall of a group but recently I hear his daughter took over."

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