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I am waiting at the VIP lounge at my club when I receive a call earlier on my offer to the prosecutor to help him with the Dong Yup case.

"Mark, when Jimin arrive let them in and after that nobody allowed in except for the Four. Inform downstairs, this lounge is fully booked for today."

"Understand Sir."

I wanted to make sure our conversation will not be heard by others because I didn't trust anyone even my bartender.

They are 5 minutes late when Jimin finally arrive with another man walking behind looking down on his phone texting.

"Kook! Sorry, princess here was late from work." Jimin said naturally take a sit. I have known him for a long time, crazy head but can be trusted. I offered him to work with a lot of time but politely refuse.

"Who are you calling a princess? I have an actual day job, not like some murderer!" He was back to Jimin and I am surprised that he knows that Jimin is an assassin.

I look at Jimin who just laugh.

"Sorry Kook, let me introduce you to Kim Taehyung, the badass prosecutor everyone talks about."

I take out my hand for a handshake.
"Jeon Jungkook."

"Kim Taehyung, I'm sorry for you to see our stupid fight."

We finally settle down on the sit and Taehyung sit close to Jimin. Their relationship is a big question mark to me.

"Can I get straight to the point?" I asked and he nodded.

"What is the stopping point from you taking him down?"

"Witness, if I can get witnesses to testify,  he will be behind bars immediately. But they are threatened by Dong Yup to keep quiet or they will receive the same fate to their family.

" How many witnesses do you have so far? Do you have their details? Maybe I can help."

Taehyung takes out an envelope and hands it to me while I notice that Jimin's hand playing with the tip of his hair and Taehyung look so comfortable with their closeness.

"That's all the information of the witnesses for Dong Yup case. If all of them testify, he will be gone and I'll make his whole group too."

"Consider it done, they will come and testify. I will help."

Taehyung is explaining and showing me the cruel things he had done to the innocent people and he is friendly enough to share everything about this case.

We talk for quite some time when Jimin is getting sleepy and casually land his head on his lap. Their relationship sends a question mark to me, their closeness looks like a couple but at the same time, it's not.

The fact he knows Jimin is an assassin is enough proof they are very close, a prosecutor befriends an assassin is a rare match.

His hands keep playing with Jimin hair softly. 

Why bother Jungkook, he is not your boyfriend or anything.

I have to admit, he is beautiful as rumours.

"Mr Jeon?"

"Yes, sorry... You were saying?"

"It's late maybe we should head home. If there is anything you can call me. This is my card." He hands me his card.

"Of course, I apologise for keep asking you questions about the case."

"It's alright, I know you are trying to understand how we think and how the law works to help your job right?"

"You caught me there but somehow I know you are not the typical everyday prosecutor. Right?"

"I should get going. Thank You again for your help."

"Consider your problem solve on your next court date, all of the witnesses will testify."

"Thank You again, Mr Jeon." He said with a beautiful smile. "Get up sleepy head!" He lightly hit Jimin's head.

Taehyung gives me a slight bow and left the room while Jimin is still sitting rubbing his eyes when he sees Tae already left to the exit.

"Taetae!!! Wait for me bear!!"

Taetae? Bear? Just what are they?

Well, why do you care Kook?


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