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Jeon Jungkook, a man. Well known in the mafia world throughout the whole world. He runs a mafia and a big company, a very successful bachelor but very cold.

He is the next line to be the leader of the powerful mafia gang 'Tiger'. The leader of the gang is an old man without an heir of his own but he is always in favour of Jungkook since the day he scouts him from the street and trains him as his son.

Even though they don't have the typical father-son relationship but the level of respect between them is beyond.

Jungkook runs the big empire with the help of 4 others who earn his trust and work alongside him as his right-hand man.

Tiger Mafia is the leader of all mafia group existed. Other groups never appointed them to be the leader but the power and influence Tiger earned automatically put them at the top.

Tiger was originally strong but since the old man is getting older he leaves everything to Jungkook to manage but has not officially passed down the throne yet as Jungkook insisted to delayed because he prefers the old man to stay around even if he didn't do anything.

"Do we have any problems with the shipments Yoongi?"

"Everything is under control and on schedule, I'll let you know if anything is to happen."

"I heard the new prosecutor is making others crazy. Did he ever interfere with us?"

"hmm...that what confuses me sometimes because he manages to take down that group completely like he knows how we do things here. He never messes with us maybe because we are practically ghost."

Jungkook nodded understand because it's true what Yonggi said. Tiger is a ghost to a lot of people but knew they exist and not to mess with.

"I don't care, as long as he didn't cross our line let him do his job." With that Jungkook stands and walks out of the meeting room.

Entering his own office he met with the red hair lady who his father set him up to get married before.

His father was busy doing that since he retired but Jungkook doesn't mind at all. He has met with plenty of young girls but rejects them every time but this particular redhead girl didn't know when to stop. She misunderstood Jungkook silence on all of her approaches as being shy even though the rejection was clear but because it was done in a nice way she misunderstood the kind gesture.

"Hello, baby..how are you? I thought about having dinner together."

"I can't, I am sorry please leave and I'm not your baby." She is shocked at Jungkook cold attitude towards her. Even though he is always expressionless but today he looks pissed off. 

Jungkook had enough of her attitude because she was acting like they are a couple. She would come as she pleased just because her father is a good friend to his and she thought Jungkook can be force into the relationship.

"I don't know what is her problem," he speaks to himself.

"Boss, Sir Hoseok is here."

"Let him in." Hoseok enters after knocking once and Jungkook offers him a seat.

"How is everything in your area?" Jungkook ask.

"Everything is under control. Here's the report. You can call Yonggi to pick up the report. You know I'm busy with the hospital right." Jungkook says sorry after he chuckles at the nagging Hoseok and after Hoseok gives the file report he left the room after a small discussion with Jungkook.

Jungkook is focused on his company work when Jin casually walk-in. He didn't mind at all when Jin enters without knocking but the rule only applied to Jin.

"Busy?" Jin asks and takes a sit.

"Quite... Why?" Jungkook reply without looking.


"1 hour?"

"Sure.. I'll just take nap inside your bedroom."

Jin makes his way to Jungkook personal bedroom inside his office room when he doesn't feel like going home.

Jungkook looks at Jin until he disappears inside the room and smiles warmly, glad that he is back.

"You seriously make me wait for you for like 2 hours and you didn't even greet me! Assholes!" Both of them head to their favourite restaurants to have dinner when Jungkook wake him up after 1 hour.

"It's one hour Jin plus, the job is almost finished so why not settle it so we can just take our time." Jin is staring right into his eyes. "Jin, you're back for good right? No more playing hero?"

Jin only answers with a noded cause he is enjoying his carbonara with his eyes closed.

"The taste is still as good as before! I love it"

Jungkook shakes his head with a smile, happy to have Jin back and happy to see he is still him.

"Your job is secured, report duty when you're ready."

Jin rolls his eyes.

"You are worse than my uncle, you know that?!"

"You told me a lot of time." He replies unbothered.

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