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"I want Leon, Al and Kay in the room as soon as possible. Tell me when you are done."

He sigh after making the call at the balcony of his room. Taehyung got hurt because of him doesn't sit well with him. He has many enemies and having Taehyung in life means having a weakness. He knows that Taehyung is everything but his weakness but those fools out there will use Taehyung to get to him.

He stares at a sleeping Taehyung on his bed and he likes the idea of coming back to him everyday.

Taehyung stir in his sleep and Jungkook is quick to be by his side.

"baby... How are you feeling?"

Taehyung recognize the voice. He knew he is safe now. He can feel Jungkook warm hand on his.

Taehyung is still half consious, the drug that the doctor provide made him like that.

His throat dry. "water..."

Taehyung can't get up, asking for straw would take a minute or two and he can't let Taehyung wait for that long.

Jungkook drink the water without swallowing it and connected his mouth with Taehyung and release the water slowly.

Jungkook wait for Taehyung response after the drink.

Taehyung turn to him with eyes half closed.


Jungkook feed Taehyung his drink, the same method again.

After that Taehyung fell asleep again.

Jungkook miss all the time they were together when Taehyung will always smile and laugh. He act differently when he is outside work. Prosecutor Taehyung only exist in court.

Jungkook is scared. What if? Taehyung want to walk away because   Jungkook himself is considering to stay away from Taehyung for his safety.

Should he? Because he surely cannot care if Taehyung got hurt again because of him or maybe worse. He dreaded that.

Jungkook slip in the blanket next to Taehyung, its their first time sharing a bed together but this is not Jungkook expected it to be.

Jungkook phone rings and he knows whats the call about.

"We got all three of them."


Jungkook walk out of the room and knock on Jimin's door.

"Let's go." was all he said and Jimin follow.

They leave the house riding separately to the warehouse that located not so far from the house.

Yonggi car are already parked showing that he is waiting for them but to Jungkook surprise when he get inside, not just Yonggi--Hoseok, Namjoon and shockingly Jin is there too.

"What show are they playing here that you guys have gathered?" Jungkook asked.

"I'm waiting for a show where a man about to torture people's who hurt his love, and he has the nerve of keeping his lover a secret from his own family." Jin said casually putting his head on Namjoon shoulder.

Jimin chuckle, he really like when Jin mess  with Jungkook. Out of Jungkook family, Jin is the one who he first met and get close too.

"and Jiminie!" he stop laughing his name was called and look at the source of the sound. "How could you not tell me he is dating someone!"

"On my defense, I didn't know he didn't tell plus it is not my story to tell!"

Then Jin is making a shock expression being over dramatic.

"You rather tell Jimin then me?" Jin wipe his fake tear. Everybody else except for Jungkook is laughing--when he rolls his eyes.

"I didn't tell Jimin, he knows because Jimin is practically my mother in law."

They are confuse by his statement and look at Jimin and Jungkook for clear answer.

"Kook is dating my baby Taehyung, remember I told you about my brother Jin Hyung? How about we continue this later because I'm thrist of blood." Jimin voice turn dark at the end of his sentence.

Jimin turn to three men who will be facing his wrath for hurting his baby bear.

"Damn he's hot!" Everyone turn to Yonggi. Hoseok throw his shoes at him.

"What about me?!"

"I know you are attracted to him too. I saw how you always look at him!" Hoseok blushed at Yonggi statements. He thought he hide it well from others.

"I don't want to hear it guys. Settle this in private please." Namjoon speak, he had enough of it and to add  it when Jin is being all flirty with him.

Jungkook is beyond surprise to know about Yonggi amd Hoseok. He never knew they are in a relationship. Oh shit! Jimin will kill him but then a scream of pain take him out from his trance.

"This is the leg you kick him with right?"

Leon is already on the floor with his leg twisted in a weird angle. Jungkook walk over to them.

"Mr...Mr...Jeon..please..save me.."
Leon said.

"please don't kill me...please.. I didn't hurt him..." Al begged.

The other has already fainted maybe its too much for him when hurt Leon. Jungkook look at him pathetically.

"Why? Why should I save you? You hurt MY BOYFRIEND!" Jungkook shot Leon other knee and another loud of screaming from Leon and Al is getting pale.

Jimin and Jungkook took turn in torturing Leon but still let him live because he has other plan for them.

To die is a simple way out so he doesn't want that.

"Don't kill them Jimin. I want them to in the ring." Evil smirk appear on his face.

"Good idea boss."

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